Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Oh jeez..

So, yesterday I made a rag doll. Using scraps from an old sheet, a pair of REALLY crappy scissors and a lot of cursing, I was able to bust out a rag doll. I finished it while my husband, Brian and a friend of ours, Mike were sitting near me watching a futbol game. They both pointed out how creepy my rag doll head was, because the eyes were tiny  and the hair was just started. I told them that the doll was only half-finished, and they both urged me to keep it like it was, REALLY creepy. I obliged, and then began to get SO frustrated at my sewing machine that kept snagging. I finally gave up, ended up sewing the thing together by hand and it looked busted. And creepy. I gave it to Mike last night (he really likes creepy) so I don't have a picture to post of it yet. It looks to bad though, I actually feel sorry for the poor little doll. I think I'm going to try and make another one soon, try again. I got another pair of scissors, and I'm going to make this one bigger. The Creepy Doll (as he is now called in our house, and it's most definitely a "he") is pretty small, maybe about 7-8 inches tall. I have enough scraps from my sheet to make a good-sized "proto-type" doll, to get a feel of what I can get one to look like.. Poor Creepy Doll. I will get Mike to take a picture of it and then post on here. He's sad..

Sunday, April 24, 2011

It's been so long!

I know that it has been forever and a day since I have posted! I started a new job 2 weeks ago and it has been CRAZY!! But it's not a job I like at all, so I put in my 2 weeks notice a couple days ago. Hopefully, once I work my last shift, I will be able to get back to some crafting more! I'm going to try and make some little rag dolls for my nieces and other family members! I already drew out the pattern on some old sheet fabric I have, I'm just procrastinating on cutting the shapes out. And as I get back into crafting, I will be able to post more often! =]

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Pillowcase Sundresses!!

I have pretty much finished the 3 pillowcase sundresses I made for my nieces! I think they came out super cute! The fabric dye worked much better than I thought it was going to.
The first two pictures are of the cupcake "patches" I made, on the biggest sundress. So my process - first I dyed the fabric, then I cut and sewed everything, attached all the patches and straps, finished!
This is my oldest niece's sundress. I attached more cupcake "patches" for her sundress, since she's very tall. I wanted to balance the length out just a little bit. She hasn't tried it on yet, or even seen it. So, it might be way too huge, since she's tall and very thin. Typical 7 year old little girl. But she's awesome! =] Hopefully it fits her and she likes it.
This sundress is for my 2 year old niece. She tried her's on and LOVED IT! It's a bit too big for her, so I'm going to pull in the back a little bit and see if that helps. Her mom also said that she could wear a little t-shirt underneath and it wouldn't look so big. I made these sundresses for playing outside, especially when it gets VERY hot outside. And they seem to be perfect for that so far.
And then this one is for my baby niece! She's about 3 1/2, almost 4 months old. I used the purple pillowcase, since it's a little bit softer and the purple is a little different. It fit her very well! I tried my hand at making baby bloomers, but they were a bit too small. I haven't decided yet if I want to try to make another pair of bloomers. But I think they all came out super cute!! Next, I'm working on making some extra throw pillows for our living room out of an old blanket. We only have one throw pillow, and it's kinda on it's last leg. Or last seam, I should say. After the pillows, I'm thinking of making my self a simple circle skirt out of an old sheet and some green fabric dye. Happy Crafting!! =]