Tuesday, November 27, 2012


Oops! I forgot to post this yesterday! I was working almost all day, so by the time I got home it had just slipped my mind! Anyways! Yesterday morning I weighed myself and I'm weighing in at 256 pounds even. I'm not entirely happy with that weight, however it's 4 pounds less than I thought it was going to be, so it will do for now. =] I hope to see a big difference after going to the gym and eating right this week! =]

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Beardly Hats!

My newest project -

Beardly hats!! I whipped one of there up in about 2 days, and now I'm making 2 for an order and 5 for Christmas presents. And at least 4 other orders that I know of for sure! Once I'm caught up on Christmas presents that I'm making, I'll be posting these in my store for sale.

Also, I'm going to do a giveaway when I get up to 75 likes on my facebook page. I'm thinking it will probably be one of these beardly hats! I'm only 10 likes away! Please go and like my page! =]

I fell off the wagon..

with dieting and exercising. I know, it's horrible!! We went on vacation and once we got back, I never really recovered. So basically, in the last month, I have gained 10 pounds. Ugh. I'm starting up again today! I don't want to be overweight and unhealthy! And I'm making this my starting over weight. I'll be going back weighing in once a week, but I'm also committing to going to the gym 3 times a week, slowly working up to 5 days a week. And I want to start going on at least 30 minute walks with my dog 3 times a week, working up to 5 days a week. He has been suffering too, because we stopped walking him as much. So I'm going back to myfitnesspal.com to track my food starting today, but I'll be weighing in tomorrow and making Mondays my weigh in days again. Getting back into the groove of things is going to be difficult and losing all this weight is going to be hard, but I can do it! =] It's going to happen! I know I've probably gained 10 pounds this past month, it's so crappy, but I have 3 major events on my timeline that I'm going to sync up my weight loss goals with -

If my new starting weight is 258 pounds -

March 17th - I'm getting remarried on the beach, goal weight - 225 pounds
That's only week shy of 4 months to lose 33 pounds.

June 15th - My 25th birthday, goal weight - 205 pounds
Not if, but WHEN I meet my anniversary weight, this is 3 months to lose 20 pounds.

September 1st - We are moving out of New Mexico, goal weight - at or under 180 pounds.
We aren't sure where we're going yet, but I want to start our new place thinner and healthier! That will give me 2 1/2 months to lose 25 pounds. Then I'll be moving at my lowest weight in a long time. I'm already excited!

The only thing that will change my goals will be if something amazing happens and we get pregnant before then. But we have stopped trying right now, we'll start again sometime in the summer. So I can do this! =]