Sunday, March 23, 2014


I can't weigh myself, my scale is broken and I didn't realize it until a couple days ago.. I weighed myself last Monday and I was the same as week ten's weight. I was a little disappointed. Then I weighed myself on Thursday, and I had gained 8lb!! I moved the scale, weighed myself again, had lost 70lb!Needless to say, my scale is broken and I have to get another one. My hubby and I were at walmart yesterday and I completely forgot to get one.. Now, he has one in his bathroom that isn't digital, but I've noticed that our floors upstairs are so crooked and slanted, the scales are sometimes way off! I think I'm going to bring his scale downstairs tomorrow morning and try to weigh myself. But honestly, I just need to go get a new digital scale asap! Until then, I'll be working out and dieting more this week. =]

Week Eleven
Starting Weight - 261.8
Week One - 256.6
Week Two - 252.6
Week Three - 254.2
Week Four - 253.8
Week Five - 253.6
Week Six - 251.2
Week Seven - 254.4
Week Eight - 253.4
Week Nine - 253.4
Week Ten - 254.6

Goals for Me -
Anniversary weight -03/17/2014- 245.0
Birthday weight -06/15/2014- 220.0
Halloween weight -10/31/2014 -200.0
Goal weight -12/15/2014 -180.0

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Week Nine & Ten - Bleh..

I know I have pretty much spaced out on blogging. Between my last week working fulltime, interviewing and getting a new part-time job, starting my new job, our apartment flooding.. The last two weeks have been NO dieting, NO real exercising, NO weight loss. Ugh. So, I know for sure that I'm not going to be hitting my anniversary weight goal in 2 days. My hubby and I are going to celebrate our anniversary with a nice home cooked meal Monday night, and then starting back with low carb and exercising regularly on Tuesday. But I want to keep this updated, even on the crappy weigh days. So, here are my weigh-ins for the last two weeks.

Starting Weight - 261.8
Week One - 256.6
Week Two - 252.6
Week Three - 254.2
Week Four - 253.8
Week Five - 253.6
Week Six - 251.2
Week Seven - 254.4
Week Eight - 253.4
Week Nine - 253.4


Starting Weight - 261.8
Week One - 256.6
Week Two - 252.6
Week Three - 254.2
Week Four - 253.8
Week Five - 253.6
Week Six - 251.2
Week Seven - 254.4
Week Eight - 253.4

Week Nine - 253.4
Week Ten - 254.6
Gained - 1.2

Like I said, bleh. Not the best, and Mondays weigh in isn't going to be great, I already know. But Tuesday is going to be great! Getting back to it, finding my groove with working part-time and having time to exercise. Being able to keep the house clean and have time to craft. I'm really excited to find my pace and have all this extra time. And I'm still going to work hard to meet my birthday goal weight, even though I'm not hitting my anniversary goal. I'm going to get to it! =]

Goals for Me -
Anniversary weight -03/17/2014- 245.0
Birthday weight -06/15/2014- 220.0
Halloween weight -10/31/2014 -200.0
Goal weight -12/15/2014 -180.0