Monday, May 12, 2014

Week Four & Five - I can't believe I forgot last week! =]

I meant to post about week four, but I don't know what happened! So, week four - it was a good week! I worked on getting back in the habit of logging my food. It was about 50/50. I was really looking forward to Week Four's weigh day because my husband and I had the day off to go watch minor league baseball. It was a great day! First, I weighed in and found I'd lost 2 pounds! Woot! Then I ate hotdogs and a snowcone. But I decided that starting the next day (Tuesday) I needed to commit to low carb again. It seems that when I stick to lower carbs and working out every day, I have better results. Something about eating less bread, sugar and potatoes, just seems to work for me. So after our Monday off together, low carb began! 

Week Four - 
Starting Weight - 257.8
Week One - 252.6
Week Two - 252.4
Week Three - 253.2
Week Four - 251.2
Lost - 2

So, I started low carb for week five! This past week, I have worked out every day except Thursday. I walked on the treadmill for 30 minutes a day Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday. Saturday, I took my boys to the dog park and walked outside in the heat for 30 minutes with them. We ALL got a workout that day. lol And then yesterday, I played Wii Sports for an hour. (We bought a Wii on Thursday and it's awesome.) I made myself a right and left handed Mii, so both arms get the same workout. I'm asking for the Wii Fit for my birthday, but until then, it's been a lot of fun just playing. Especially since it doesn't feel like a workout! But I can feel a bunch of sore muscles this morning, that's for sure. =] I've also been logging my food every single day! I haven't stayed under my carb goal every day, but just being aware of the carbs I'm eating has really made a difference this week. And it's obviously working, because I weighed in this morning and I lost 4 pounds!!!! =] Woot woot! lol So, low carb is just he way to go for me!

Week Five - 
Starting Weight - 257.8
Week One - 252.6
Week Two - 252.4
Week Three - 253.2
Week Four -251.2
Week Five - 247.2
Lost - 4

So, this coming week, I'm sticking to what I've been doing! I try to stay away from carbs during the day and eat them only during dinner. Walking on the treadmill and playing the Wii. Being mindful of what I'm putting in my mouth. No sweets until after our 100 days is over. And so far, so good! =]  I have 34 days until my birthday and 9.2 lb to hit my goal, I'm going to work hard and try to get there!!

Goals for Me -
Birthday weight -06/15 - 238
100 Days weight - 07/12 - 233
Halloween weight -10/31 - 215