Wednesday, June 6, 2018

I'm Back! With an update..

Hello family, friends, and random strangers!

I'm back with an update! Nothing much to say about my primary doctor and my hematologist, since I haven't seen either of them since my last update. My primary doctor only prescribes the medicine for my thyroid, and he hasn't needed to see me back yet. My hematologist has rescheduled my last 2 appointments with him, so I have no idea when I'll actually get an update on my iron levels. But I'll let you all know when it happens!

However, I did go see my oncologist this past Friday (6/1) for a check-up since my last surgery at the end of January. I had all my fingers crossed that I'd get good news and wouldn't need another surgery. He did a biopsy (OUCH!) and told me that they should have the results back in about a week. The results would tell us whether or not I would need another surgery, or if I was back in remission and once again cancer free. Exciting!!

While I was there, I told him that if I was in remission again, I wanted to really try to get pregnant by the end of the year. He told me that wasn't really his department and we both laughed. But I told him that I didn't want to be on his treatment plan and trying to get pregnant at the same time without communicating with him. He understood and agreed. He asked if I had an ob/gyn down here, and I told him I used to but wanted to get a new one. He told me that he's friends with an ob/gyn down here, and that he would see if his friend had any opening for new patients. He told me that this new ob/gyn would either be able to help get me pregnant, or he would know who can!

My oncologist actually texted the ob/gyn while I was changing, and the ob/gyn said "Sure, send her over!" Yay! So my oncologist said that he'd send my file over, and the ob/gyn's office would give me a call to schedule an appointment.

That was pretty much the end of my appointment. So the waiting for my biopsy results began..

I got the call earlier today (Wednesday 6/6) from my oncologist's main nurse. She was happy to report that I am once again CANCER FREE!! All my cells are completely normal, I don't have any cancerous or even pre-cancerous cells. I don't need another surgery, I can stop the cancer pills, and I officially have the all clear to try to really get pregnant this year!!

About 30 minutes after I hung up the phone with this great news, the new ob/gyn's office called me to schedule an appointment. I was excited, but knew that it would be a wait before I could get in. OR SO I THOUGHT! I now have an appointment with this new ob/gyn to discuss my infertility options scheduled for this Monday (6/11)!!

It's so weird, because for years now I've been telling Brian that I didn't think we'd have a baby until I was 30. I just kept having this feeling that it wouldn't happen until I was 30. I have no idea why. But now, my 30th birthday is in just over a week, I'm once again cancer free, I have an appointment to discuss getting pregnant, things are just moving right along for us!

Thank you to my amazing husband, for being my rock through all of this. And major thanks to all our family and friends who send us thoughts and prayers. I'll write another update after the ob/gyn appointment!