Monday, September 2, 2019

One Year Later..

Hello everyone! I'm back again with an update about my health. It's been over a year since I've written an update, where has the time gone?

Last June, I got the call that I was once again cancer free and we got the go ahead to start officially trying to get pregnant! I met with an awesome new ob/gyn who told me that he's pretty sure my body has never ovulated on it's own, and that's why we haven't been able to get pregnant. So, he prescribed Clomid to help me ovulate. I started it in August. 3 months of taking it, no positive ovulation. He switched to Femara, which has better luck helping plus size women ovulate. 3 months of taking it, no positive ovulation. And then my body started fighting back and my periods stopped completely! My ob/gyn wasn't sure why, I was definitely not pregnant.

In April, I decided to make one last appointment with my oncologist before we moved, just to make sure everything was still looking alright. I met with his nurse practitioner, and she ordered a new ultrasound to take a look at my uterus, since it had been over a year since my last ultrasound. After my ultrasound, my oncologist's lead nurse called me to set up a biopsy appointment because my uterine lining once again looked too thick. A week after my biopsy, and the day before we moved to Amarillo, my oncologist called me to tell me that my atypical hyperplasia is back (pre-cancerous cells) and that I have to go back on the cancer pills!

But, my oncologist was able to refer me to a new oncologist near where we live up here, his mentor! It turns out, his mentor was relocating to Lubbock in June or July. We used to drive almost 2.5 hours to San Antonio to see my oncologist, Lubbock is only 1.5 hours away! I called this new oncologist when our insurance started again, and he was really great on the phone! His privileges didn't start until the end of August, so now I'm going to call this week to set up an appointment with him. He did say on the phone that I might not need another surgery so soon, or surgeries so frequently, because he has a 2nd medication that he uses that might cut back on the amount of surgeries I need. I'm hopeful that it works for me!

So, this is where I'm at now - back on the cancer pills and calling this week to make an appointment to see this new oncologist soon! I'll update again once I see my new oncologist, hopefully with good news! Thank you to everyone reading, and keeping us in your good thoughts and prayers!