Tuesday, June 21, 2011

I am alive!

Just incredibly busy.. I was invited to a baby shower that's on Saturday. I found out about it this past Wednesday. I decided to make her gift so I'm pretty much busting butt to get it finished in time. As soon as I'm done with it, I will have a long post. =] Until then, BACK TO WORK!

Friday, June 3, 2011

No motivation!!

I don't want to do anything today. There is the huge forest fire on the border of Arizona and New Mexico, and with all the wind we have been getting lately, Albuquerque is really hazy and smells like burning wood. I like the smell, but the smokey conditions mean we can't leave the windows open. Although, it's pretty hot outside already, so we have the windows closed anyways. But since we are trying to keep our electric bill low this summer, we are running more fans and less a/c. Making it warm in the house. Not unbearable, just warm. But that, paired with my complete lack of motivation, means I don't want to do ANYTHING! I cleaned the house, but I'm going to put off doing the laundry until tomorrow and Sunday. I have some crafting projects that I could be working on, but nothing that's pressing and NEEDS to be done.. I have a couple mini-Link dolls that friends want, but no one has sent me money for them so I haven't gotten the supplies for them yet. I have some bigger dolls that are going to be gifts, but they don't need to be done for 3 months or so. I need to finish sanding and buy paint for the dining room table and chairs, but it's too hot to sand. Instead I think I'm going to tweak the pattern I made for the mini-dolls and then maybe work on making a few animal patterns. Owl, piggy, elephant, penguin.. There are so many animals I want to make!!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011


Holy moly!! I just bought a LOAD of fabric remnants from a lady off of craigslist.com. It's amazing!! She gave me 4 white garbage bags FULL of a bunch of fabric for $10!!!!!!! I'm so excited!! Some of the fabric is really good stuff, some of it I will probably throw away. But I'm so excited about everything I got! Cotton, denim, polyester, fleece and much more.. AND a bunch of wool!! I've started making plans with it all already. I'm thinking stuffed animals, dolls, doll clothes and much more!
Plus, my mom's friend is moving soon, so she gave me a big bag full of yarn that she's not going to use and/or didn't want to take with her. So, I have more yarn to plan a bunch of projects with! On top of all my awesome new stuff I just got, I also have to go buy primer so I can paint the dining room table and chairs. I stopped sanding everything a long time ago, but I would really like to at least get everything primed and ready for paint colors soon. I have to research and find the best primer that seals out water and can take a lot of heat, since it is a table and we will probably have hot plates on it at some point. Before I'm going to allow myself to make anymore dolls or start any new projects, I am going to go talk to someone about the best primers and paints for table-tops. Maybe I will do that tomorrow! =]