Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas Presents!! (That I made!)

This year, I vowed to make almost all the Christmas (and birthday) presents that the hubs and I were going to give. So far, I have pretty much stuck to my plan! So here are the presents I made this year! =]

A sign, painted for my dad - the name of his company.

 For my mother and father in law, they love Scrabble!
 An earring holder, for my sister.

 A bamboo scarf, for my mom.

 Penguin stuffed animal, for my brother. (inside family joke)

 Angry Birds Bowling!!! =] Yep, I made it! 

Hand-painted dodge ball, hand-painted 2 liter bottles! For my other brother. This is my mom's favorite gift, she loves homemade gifts and she is still ranting and raving about this one. (In a good way!)

Merry Christmas everyone! I hope you all have a wonderful holiday season! =]

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