Sunday, March 11, 2012

Sucky person here.

I haven't been even a little bit crafty lately. I have a bunch of projects in the works right now, but I haven't felt the least bit motivated as of late. I have 3 different wreaths working and a baby blanket too. But I am going to run out of the green yarn I'm working with on the green blanket, so I can't figure what I want to do with it. Go buy more green (which only comes in HUGE bundles) or add another color to it. And the wreath is just driving me a little nuts, so I decided to start over to straighten out the stripes on it. But I haven't gotten back to it lately. On a different note, my anniversary is this Saturday!! We are going to get a redbox movie and chinese takeout! It's going to be a great night. =] I've been working, working out and reading the Eragon books. Hopefully I will get back into crafting in the next week or so! =]

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