Monday, December 31, 2012

Week One Weigh-In

I know it hasn't been a full week yet, but my weigh-in days are going to be Mondays, so I'll just have to take the loss of 2 days to lose weight this week. And I still lost weight, I'm so excited!!

Starting weight - 260.4
Week One weigh-in - 254.2
Difference - 6.2 lb.

That's right! I lost 6.2 pounds this week! WOOOOOOHHOOOO!!! =] I made sure to stay under my calories on myfitnesspal every day and I did some sort of exercise every day too.

Wednesday - walking dog 33 min.
Thursday - Gym - bike 30 min.
Friday - Gym - treadmill 30 min.
Saturday - Gym - elliptical 30 min.
Sunday -walking dog 30 min.

Mondays are initally going to me my work-out days off, because I'll be working 2 jobs every Monday. However, I have today off and probably only work one job next Monday, so I think I'm going to do extra gym sessions while I have the time, before life gets too crazy. =] I'm so excited to keep it up! I will lose weight, I will get healthy, I can do this!! =]

Friday, December 28, 2012


In an effort to promote my business and the crafty things I do, I've been doing giveaways every time I get to a milestone of "likes" on Facebook. I'm only ONE like away from 75 likes and a giveaway! I'll do another one once I hit 100 likes too! Come on Facebook and Blogger followers! =]

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Starting Over - Starting Fresh!!

For my family, the holidays are over! My hubby and I don't really celebrate the new year, he usually has to work (sometimes I do too) so we just treat it like a regular day/night. Nothing special or fancy. So with our vacation, Thanksgiving and Christmas all behind us, we are starting today by getting back into our life changes! Dieting, exercising, cleaning/organizing the house, all that fun stuff! We plan on moving at the beginning of September 2013. I want to be a completely new person by then, having lost all the weight I need to lose before we move. I also have smaller goals I want to complete before then. But they aren't that much smaller, because I want to push myself. Eat less, eat healthy, exercise and watch the weight come off. I don't want to be fat and unhealthy anymore. Plus, Brian and I had been trying to get pregnant for over 2 years and nothing happened. When I finally went to a doctor to just check me out, he was very mean about it but just told me to lose 100-120 pounds and I'd get pregnant without any problems. I understand that part of what he said is probably right, although he was very rude about it. And my goal isn't to lose that much weight. But I don't want my weight to be an excuse anymore. So I'm making a change. And hopefully, after I've lost the weight, we've get pregnant!! And if we don't, then I can go to a new doctor and really get some answers, without anyone blaming my weight. Including myself.

Starting Weight - 260.4

Goal One - Lose 30 pounds before we leave to renew our vows.
We leave March 13th. So I want to weight myself March 12th and be at or under 230.4. We have 11 weeks to the day until we leave. That is 3 pounds a week. It's going to be hard, but I'm going to work hard. After I'm finished with this blog post, I'm going to hop over to and update all my info to input calories every day.

Goal Two - Lose 30 pounds by my birthday.
Once we come back from our vacation March 19th, I will have 12 weeks before my birthday. My goal will be to weigh myself the morning of my birthday and be at 200 pounds or less. That is 2.5 pounds a week. Assuming I don't gain more than just a couple pounds while on vacation. Brian and I plan to still work-out while we're down there.

Goal Three - Lose 20 pounds before we move.
We move Sept. 1st. My finish goal weight is 180 pounds. Once I hit my birthday goal weight, I'll be just 20 pounds away. So I will have 11 weeks to lose 20 pounds, making it about 2 pounds a week.

Completely not on purpose, my goals are harder in the beginning and seem to get a little easier throughout the year. (More time to lose less weight.) I'm hoping that will give me a little wiggle room, since I assume it will be hard to continue to lose weight the farther I go along. I also hope to combat that by doing longer work-out sessions the farther along the months go. Right off, I will be doing 3 days in the gym for 30 minutes each AND walking our dog 3 days a week for 30 minutes each. Once I'm in the groove of things, exercising regularly and working out my schedule with work, I'm going to add longer work out sessions in the gym and start walking the dog longer times too. At some point, I'll have to add more days in the gym, I'm sure, but for now, I'm starting small.

Exercising, on top of cutting down how many calories I eat a day, should be a huge step in the right direction. Plus, I've gotten a promotion at the daycare, so that should also be a bigger part of the day that I'm on my feet and moving around. I'm ready to get started!

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Jack Skellington Ornament

So awesome! So cute! So simple! 

I made this for a friend who likes The Nightmare Before Christmas. She got it just in time for Christmas, to tell me that she doesn't have a tree this year! lol

Super Simple Tutorial - I bought a plain, plastic ornament at the craft store. Then a took a little white paint and watered it down a tiny bit and poured it inside the ornament. Swirled and twirled it around in there until the entire inside of the ornament was covered. (I left the ornament upside-down in the sink for a little while, to drain the excess paint out.) After it was drained and on it's way to drying, I popped the top on! Then, I took a sharpie and free-handed the faces! Happy on one side, not so happy on the other side. Bam! All done! lol I'm already planning on making myself one too! =]

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

New Hat!!

Side note - I did lose one pound this week, but I didn't go to the gym or really eat under my calories, so I have no idea how that happened.. But I'm trying harder this week! I know that everyone says this, but it will be easier after the holidays. Not because I'm eating all unhealthy, but because I'm making Christmas presents and filling orders! It seems to take up all of my time right now.

In other news - here is my newest hat I just finished! I'm super excited about it, might have to make one for myself. =] This is for an order, but I'm a little sad to see it go! lol

 Jack Skellington hat!! 

I love it, already going to have to make myself one. And maybe one for my best friend.. =]