Friday, December 6, 2013

Week Four & Healthier Chicken Pot Pie Recipe

I know, super late! Oops! =]

Oh, Thanksgiving.. Why must you disagree with me about what the "normal" amount of weight gain is this past week. Granted, I didn't work out and had a very good Thanksgiving, but still! So I considered this past weigh in as a START OVER weight, since I weighed in at more than my start weight a few weeks ago. But I'm going to do better this week. My weigh in date was Dec. 2nd, so I set the goal of losing 8lb by Christmas eve. I'm going to stick to that goal! Little by little, I'm going to lose this weight. =] 
Starting Weight - 255.8
Week One -       253.4
Week Two -       252.2
Week Three -     257.0
Week Four -      260.4
Gained -             3.4lb    =(

Healthier Chicken Pot Pie Recipe

Chicken Breast
Can of Peas
Can of Corn
Cream of Chicken soup
Cream of Celery soup
Tube of Crescent Rolls

Preheat oven to temperature on crescent rolls instructions.
Boil your chicken and cut up carrots together on the stove with whatever spices you love. Once the chicken is done and the carrots are tender, take them off the stove.
While the chicken is cooling down enough to cut up, in a bowl, mix together your canned soup and canned vegetables.
Cut up the chicken, add chicken and carrots to bowl of soup and vegetables. Mix together. Add seasoning if you like - salt, pepper, garlic salt, etc.
Pour bowl of ingredients into a baking pan that has been greased or spraying with nonstick spray.
Open crescents, unroll and lay flat over your pot pie filling.
Bake until the filling is hot and the crescents are golden brown.

My wonderful boss/friend made this for my hubby and I, so yummy!!!!! She doesn't recommend chilling the filling before putting the crescents on and baking, the filling doesn't get as hot on the inside before the rolls are baking on top. =]  My pot pie was delicious and my hubby already asked for me to add it to the rotation of dinners! Thanks boss lady! And thank you readers, until next week! =]

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