Monday, April 28, 2014


 This is my Easter wreath! I used 2 strands of garland, plus a bunny ears headband and a cut-out bunny face. All bought at hobby lobby! I love it, and better yet - My mother in law loves it! She didn't even hang it in her window (I make wreaths to hang in her window), but in the house so she could see it every day! =]


Here is the St. Patrick's Day wreath! I used 2 strands of clover garland, and then a little leprechaun top hat. I think that hat was meant to be a hair accessory, but it worked perfectly here! 

And most recently, my mother and father in law both have birthdays in April. Their birthdays are actually one day after the other. Plus, their anniversary is in April too. So I decided to make them a little lovebirds wreath. My mother in laws favorite color is blue, and then when I found the birds, I liked how the orange popped against the blue. After I'd gotten home, I realized that the blue and orange is Denver Broncos colors, my father in laws favorite sports team! So, it's perfect for the both of them! =] I used two feathered boas, two birds (came in a set of three), a bit of ribbon, and then I cut out a red felt heart. And she absolutely loves it!!  

Bane Hat

I made this for my brother's birthday! I think it's awesome, if I do say so myself.. lol And he liked it too. =] 

It's sewn together into one piece, but not restricting on your face. I can't wait to make another one! Anyone want to order one?? =]  

Week Two & Three

I'd been slacking the past two weeks. Still walking on some days, but I didn't stick with myfitness every day. And the past two weeks, my husband's day off has been Sunday. The day before I weigh in.Last Sunday, on Easter, we went to a Texas Rangers baseball game. It was so much fun!! I had a hotdog and french fries, but we didn't go crazy or anything. But I know that kind of food just weighed me down when I weighed in the next morning. Then yesterday, my husband made dinner. Homemade burgers and tots. So yummy! I thought I was going to have a great weigh in this morning, but not so much after those burgers. =) I'm not stressing about it too much right now, it's just telling me that I need to make changes for this week. More exercising, more myfitness, less food! lol It will probably also help this week that my husbands days off are Thursday and Friday, so I'll have two days to keep working out before I weigh in. Since I also don't usually workout on our day off together. =)

Week Two - 
Starting Weight - 257.8
Week One - 252.6
Week Two - 252.4
Lost - 0.2

Week Three - 
Starting Weight - 257.8
Week One - 252.6
Week Two - 252.4
Week Three - 253.2
GAINED - 0.8

Bleh.. =( So, I'm making changes today! Going to do some chores around the house, then hopefully I'll have time to walk to dogs before I go to work. I have to go in early today, but I'm pretty sure I'll have the time. Making better changes for this next week!! I have 48 days and 15lb to go to hit my goal birthday weight. Gotta get to it!!

Goals for Me -
Birthday weight -06/15 - 238
100 Days weight - 07/12 - 233
Halloween weight -10/31 - 215

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Week One - Lost!

I had a great first week! Except for getting sick right at the end of the week. Bleh. But I had a loss is weight, I stayed under my calorie goals every day AND I've been more active this week. Nothing else to really report for the first week. I've been knitting with all my extra yarn, and sticking around the house. No spending money! =] 

Starting Weight - 257.8
Week One - 252.6
Lost - 5.2

Woot! =] I worked out (walked) every day except Wednesday and Sunday. Sunday, and the past few days, I've been sick. But yay weight loss!

Goals for Me -
Birthday weight -06/15 - 238
100 Days weight - 07/12 - 233
Halloween weight -10/31 - 215

Monday, April 7, 2014

100 Days - Starting Fresh, Starting Over

There is nothing quite like starting over again. One of the great things about dieting, being able to start over when you need to. No matter how many times I need to start over, I can! Losing weight isn't an overnight sensation, and I'm not ashamed of starting again. =]

So, my husband and I have decided to make a plan - 100 days. No drinking (hubby), no sweets (me!), staying under my calorie goals, eating healthier, being more active, no eating out, sticking to our budget, saving money.. For a straight 100 days. We started this past Friday, April 4th. Our 100 days are up July 12th. That means we are sticking to this for both of our birthdays too! Mine - June 15th and Brian's - July 7th. And we're both good with that! We realize that unless we're willing to make these big changes every single day, nothing is going to change for us. And we're so ready to make changes!

This past Thursday, I started with a haircut. =] I cut my hair shorter and dyed it back to dark brown. The closest it's been to my natural hair color in YEARS. I'm not a big fan of the dark, but it's going to be easier to grow it out now that I'm not dealing with a definite line of root color growing out. I'm not going to cut my hair for AT LEAST the 100 days, I'd actually like to really grow it out now. We'll see if I can have the patience for that now.. lol

I'm working on not biting my nails during this too. It's a really bad habit I'm trying to permanently break. I've had phases in the past when I've been able to stop, but I always go back to biting. Working on that too!

With starting over, my goals have changed too. I didn't hit my anniversary goal weight, and then we had over a week of eating whatever we wanted, so I gained weight back. So, new goals! I have a goal amount of weight to lose by the end of the 100 days. 25lb! I weighed myself Friday morning, I'm back to weighing myself every Monday morning starting today. It hasn't been technically a week yet, so I think my first update post will be after 10 days, but it's progress! =] I'm updating my goals now that my starting weight has changed again, plus adding in the 100 days goal.

Starting Weight - 257.8
Current Weight - 253.4
Lost - 4.4

I'm not going to consider this an update weigh-in, more like the progress report. Next Monday I'll post a week one update, with my starting weight and that day's weight. I weighed today more just for me and to get in the habit of doing it every Monday. But it's great to see progress already just from eating less and healthier! =]

Goals for Me -
Birthday weight -06/15 - 238
100 Days weight - 07/12 - 233
Halloween weight -10/31 - 215

My goal weight is 180, but I'm only going to have these 3 goals for now. As I hit them, I'll update and add new goals as I go. =]

During these 100 days, I'm also doing 100 Happy Days on instagram, one picture a day of something that is happy or makes me happy. =] Check it out HERE!