Thursday, April 17, 2014

Week One - Lost!

I had a great first week! Except for getting sick right at the end of the week. Bleh. But I had a loss is weight, I stayed under my calorie goals every day AND I've been more active this week. Nothing else to really report for the first week. I've been knitting with all my extra yarn, and sticking around the house. No spending money! =] 

Starting Weight - 257.8
Week One - 252.6
Lost - 5.2

Woot! =] I worked out (walked) every day except Wednesday and Sunday. Sunday, and the past few days, I've been sick. But yay weight loss!

Goals for Me -
Birthday weight -06/15 - 238
100 Days weight - 07/12 - 233
Halloween weight -10/31 - 215

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