Sunday, June 1, 2014

June First - Starting Over, Yet Again..

I never feel bad or guilty for starting over. I feel bad that you all have to read about me starting over! =] So, my husband and I made it 50 days into our 100 days. And then we cracked and took a few days off from dieting. I was eating smaller portions and less calories, but I hadn't really committed to low carb, so in the 50 days, I hadn't lost that much weight. So, today I'm starting over with a smaller goal.

Starting today, June 1st, I'm committing to a month of a low carb diet, a month of using myfitnesspal to log my food and exercise, a month of exercising 30 minutes a day/5 days a week. Also, a month of taking my vitamins and metformin every day. And, because it's the first month and it will be a little bit of a shock to my system, my goal is 10lb by July 1st. I'm only going to weigh myself once a week, I've gotten into the bad habit of weighing myself almost every morning. That's not really helping me.

My birthday is this month. I'm going to stay strong on my birthday too. Since my favorite thing to eat for special meals is STEAK, and that doesn't have any carbs!! =] I'm also going to buy some coconut or almond flour, so I can low carb bake! I love to bake and eating sweets, and since I'm not going to hit my final goal weight overnight, I want to set myself up for success. I'm going to research recipes, find some low carb favorites, and still allow myself to eat low carb sweets on those special days. One of my goals is to still have "cheat days", but have healthy, low carbs cheats.

So, I weighed myself this morning for my starting weight. 252.4
My goal weight for July 1st - 242.4

I can do it!! Once I hit that goal, then I will reevaluate and set a new goal!

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