Sunday, August 17, 2014

Nerdy Baby Hats

Hello blogging world! I know I have been pretty absent lately. I got sick of blogging about my diet and exercise, especially since it seemed to plateau recently. I took a break from blogging and focused on crafting. A few weeks ago, a friend announced on Facebook that he is going to be a dad in January! My wonderful husband had the idea to talk to my friend about making a bunch of nerdy baby hats for him to add to his baby registry. I talked to my friend and he liked the idea, so I go to work! I just finished a couple days ago, and posted all the hats in my etsy shop. I actually hadn't been keeping up with my shop, so I'm excited to have things for sale again. I'm actually going to clean out all the things I've made over the last few years, and post a bunch of stuff fairly cheaply, to free up some space! I have scarves, hats, a couple baby blankets, and cowls.. I need to clean out my stash! =] But I also want to share the adorably nerdy baby hats I made.

First, a Link hat from Legend of Zelda.

 A very cunning Jayne hat from Firefly.

 Aang from The Last Airbender

 Kirby from Pokemon, with felt eyes and cheeks.

 A Pokeball! With felt detail on the front. 

Yoda hat! This might be my favorite, I used a seed stitch to make it thick and "knobbly".

And then a boobie beanie, for breastfeeding mom! My future kids will wear these, I think they're awesome! 

Check out my Etsy Shop to see all these, and message me if you'd like one! I also plan on posting a bunch of stuff, so keep an eye for that too! We're moving and I need to downsize the amount of stuff we have! Plus, we're moving farther South again, into the heat. Not much need for a lot of knit items..

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