Saturday, July 15, 2017

3rd Surgery Post & Great News!

Hello again everyone!

I had my 3rd surgery on June 26th, and my follow-up appointment this past Thursday. Here's a little update!

Surgery went well! I was in the out-patient ambulatory center, instead of the actual surgery wing of the hospital this time. It moved a bit faster, although it was a little less private. The surgery wing puts you in a private room before and after surgery, while the out-patient center was just curtained off cubicles. But I didn't mind, since we were in and out faster than the surgery wing. I only woke up with a headache, and starving of course! haha Thankfully, I remembered to have snacks in the car so I wasn't hangry on our way to get real food. Third times the charm, I guess! lol

My follow-up appointment was scheduled for 2.5 weeks later. I had to call my nurse 2 days before, to make sure they had my pathology results before my husband and I drove 2.5 hours to the doctor's office. After a brief hold, she came back on the line and said that they did have my results, and she was happy to tell me that I AM OFFICIALLY CANCER FREE! WOOHOO! I can't begin to tell you how much happy dancing my husband and I have been doing since I found out! =)

I still had to go to my follow-up appointment, to talk to my doctor about my next steps. He told me again that I am officially in remission! It's so great to hear. We talked about the possibility of my cancer coming back, and he said that I shouldn't worry about it. It's such a slow-growing cancer that just a yearly pap smear will be able to find it early enough. He said my real problem will still be getting pregnant. He prescribed me Provera, to try to regulate my monthly periods. I'll start taking that Sept. 1st. He also prescribed Metformin, to help my body process sugar and it should also help with weight loss. I started that yesterday. I'm going to start a low carb diet and regular exercising tomorrow to help with that weight loss too! He told me that I might still have to find a ob/gyn or fertility specialist to help get me pregnant eventually, but I want to focus on losing weight first.

So, I'll go back to my oncologist in October for an ultrasound and routine check up. And again in January, I believe. Hopefully, both of those checks will be completely clear, and then I'll switch to every 6 months.

Until then, I'm celebrating being cancer free! And I'll be working on weight loss and being healthier overall. And crafting! lol I have a long list of gifts to make in the next few months. I hope my next few posts will just be about losing weight and the crafty projects I'm working on, but I'll also keep you all updated on my next appointment with my oncologist in October!

Thank you all for going on this journey with me, and my husband. All your thoughts, prayers, and well wishes were very much appreciated! All the love to you all! =)

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