Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Another Update, Another Post.. Surgery #4

Hello all! After seeing the hematologist and having another surgery, I'm here with another update!

Hematologist appointment first - I had my appointment with the blood doctor. He was great. Very friendly, and listened to everything I had to say before he talked. He figured out that one of the medications I stopped recently was causing the high white blood cell counts. Bam! One problem solved within just a couple minutes. He also said that the cancer and problems I've been having with all of that is most likely what's causing my iron to decrease, even when I'm not having periods. So he scheduled me for an iron infusion through an IV. I'll be doing that this coming Thursday! He's not super concerned about my numbers, because the iron pills are bringing up my iron levels. But it's just so slow, so the iron infusion will bring my iron counts into normal range, and then I'll continue the iron pills to keep me at a normal range. He told me that I'll feel awesome after the infusion, so I'm excited for it! :-)

Surgery update next - I had my latest (and hopefully last) surgery yesterday. I woke up at 3am, and we were on the road by 330am. We got to the hospital at about 545am, and got checked in at 6am. I was called back pretty quickly, we'd maybe been sitting down 20 minutes. I got to change into my oh-so-fashionable hospital gown and non-slip socks. My IV was inserted, and all my fancy hospital bands put on. I was styling! lol And then came the waiting.. My surgery was scheduled for 8am. The anesthesiologist came in at just after 8am, and said that he'd been told that my surgery was pushed to 830am. Nobody told us! But no big deal. My oncologist came in at 840am, to make sure we didn't have any questions. We joked that this was my 4th one of these, we're old pros now! They gave me the good drugs, and rolled me into the OR.

I woke up in recovery about an hour later. Minimal headache and nausea, mostly I just felt so tired! I was in recovery for about an hour, before getting wheeled into recovery2 and getting to see my hubby! Once I was steady enough to stand, I got dressed and we were ready to leave! I ate a banana just to tell my stomach to shut up, and once Brian was on the highway, I passed out! I slept the entire 2 hour drive home. And then ate a huge lunch! I had a bit of a headache, mostly from the lack of caffeine. And I was pretty dizzy and lightheaded, so I stayed parked on the couch for the rest of the evening. After we had dinner, I read in bed for a little while, and then feel asleep by 830pm. Woke up naturally at just after 7am, 10.5 hours of sleep later!

I'm feeling pretty good today! Minimal bleeding that comes and goes, a tiny bit of cramping. Still dizzy and lightheaded, so I'm staying parked on the couch again today. Some television, knitting, and reading. Thank goodness for my wonderful husband, he's been taking care of the dogs, the house, meals, and everything else. He's amazing!

My follow-up appointment for after surgery is on the Feb 15th, I'll get the pathology results from my surgery, and then I'll know what my next steps are going to be. Whether it's going back on the cancer pills, another surgery, different medications.. Then I'll have a follow-up appointment with the blood doctor on Feb 16th, so expect another blog update after those two appointments in a couple weeks!

Thank you to everyone for your good thoughts, prayers, and well wishes!

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