Monday, September 26, 2011

Knitting, knitting, KNITTING...

Did I mention I've been knitting? My Grandma Elaine is going to be my first paying customer!! I'm making her a baby blanket, for her to give to a friend of her's for their new granddaughter. I FINALLY finished the blanket yesterday, but I thought that the baby was a boy, so now that I know it's a girl, I'm adding a few finishing touches to make it more "baby/baby girl" and I'm going to send it off tomorrow. I really like it, think it's super cute! Plus, I finished a little something extra to go with it. I hope they like it! I will post pictures after she gets it, so I don't ruin the surprise of her getting it in the mail. =]
On another note -
I dyed my hair and I love the new color!! I haven't seen the color in the direct sunlight yet, but I think it's going to be BRIGHT!!
Here it is before. I was kinda faded dark brown with red highlights. And because my hair is so short and grows so fast, it was growing out to boring brown really quickly.
During.... MY HAIR IS ON FIRE!! I could NOT believe how bright this dye was on my head!! It was so odd!
And this is right after I rinsed out the dye and before I conditioned. I think the color faded a little from this color, since I rinsed it again in the shower before I conditioned it. I still like it though! I will have to run outside and take a few pictures of how bright it is in direct sunlight, for reference.
I'm also growing out my hair for the foreseeable future. Last time I went and got it cut, the lady hacked it all off and it was so short that it stopped curling. I want it to be like it was when I first got it cut a while ago, and to do that I think I will have to grow it out a little before I get it cut again. So the hubby and I have joked that I will be rocking the 60's shag for the next month or two.. But, we have also discussed both of us making major hair changes on January first, and one of the things I have been thinking is rocking a curly do on top, with buzzed sides.. I'm not sure though.. I also like - Meg Ryan or  Jennifer Nettles. We will have to see!! =]

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Dye Job!!

I have been dyeing like a nut lately!! I had a present I was working on for my favorite 8 year old little girl, which pretty much launched me into dyeing like crazy! So here are my recently completed projects! I will start off with the birthday present that I just finished for Maddi, she is turning 8 years old tomorrow.
I made her pink and purple water balloon flip-flops first. Just a standard Wal-Mart pair of pink flip-flops, with pink and purple water balloons from Party City. I was SO thankful to find these water balloons at Party City, since they sell them in color-coded packs of 100. YAY!! So much easier than picking out the colors you want from a huge bag of multicolored balloons.
Then I bought some hairclips from Hobby Lobby, and tied the extra balloons onto them, to make her little matching clips for her hair.
 Tie-dyed shirt I made!!!! I had a few extra shirts from buying some for my sister, so I took a small plain white shirt, with some pink and purple fabric dye and TADA!! I made an awesome pattern! I'm just a little bummed that the purple totally took over the pink dye, so you see more purple than pink, but I still love it! It should be a little big on her, but she's getting so tall so fast, I think it will fit just fine.
Then, here is the back of the shirt. So, pretty much the same, just reversed. I still love it! I will probably be dyeing some more stuff soon, after I finish my current project. =]
This shirt is dyed with KOOL-AID!!! That's right, kool-aid dyed shirt. It started out with white lines on it, but when I was washing out the dye, it all kinda mushed together. But still, KOOL-AID!! Cherry, to be exact. I have no idea what I'm going to do with it, but I'm super stoked that it went from a white shirt to this.
I also dyed this messed up skirt! I was an off-white color, and the first skirt that I made for myself that I totally messed up. I still have to fix the hem on it, it's a little wonky. I'm going to cut and even out the hem, and then use the scraps to make a little flower for a headband.
But I love it!! =] Brian loves it too. He told me that it's the kinda things he could see me wearing with a black sweater and black boots or a white tank and white flip-flops. He's so stylish!! =]
Then I dyed some white yarn! I made a hat last winter that turned out like crap and WAY too big, so I took it apart to reuse the yarn in another project. I wrapped it around a stool I have (that's going to get recovered and painted too) and dyed it in the bathtub.
 2 sides of the wrapped yarn are a light purple, and the other 2 sides are light pink. I'm thinking that when I knit with it, it will have an awesome swirly pink and purple color. I'm excited to see how it come out!
 I freaking love it!! I'm not sure what I'm going to make with it, I was thinking maybe a hat? I don't know. It's not enough for a scarf for sure. Maybe I will try to make myself another slouchy hat. I love my green one I made, and this one would be freaking adorable as a hat!!
Here's the yarn with the flash on the camera. All shimmery and pretty. LOVE IT!! I will definitely be dyeing more yarn sometime. I have a good friend who wants a purple and green hat, and the Joann's Fabrics near my house is having a huge sale on everything, so I might have to go stock up on some white yarn that's super cheap, and then I will dye it when I need it. I'm excited about these possibilities! So, this is everything I've been working on lately! I am a little over halfway finished knitting a baby blanket right now, and I'm working like nuts to finish it soon so I can send it out (it's a gift.) And after that is finished and sent, I will post again. =]

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

I know, I know!

I haven't posted in almost a month! I have been busy! First, I had to finish all my crafty projects in the works. Then we went on vacation, and now we are home and getting back into the swing of things. But our vacation was amazing and totally awesome! We had such a great time!!
Here is a picture for all of you! This is Aunt Ginny, Brian, myself, Uncle Keith, (Brian's) Mom and Grandpap. This was taken on the wet and rainy day we went to a major league baseball game. It was awesome!! Now, I have some crafty pictures to post. So the presents I made before I went up there were - a scarf and a hat in Philadelphia Eagles colors, a Pittsburgh Steelers bunny, a green dressed bunny, a tiny colorful bunny, and a Denver Broncos fan. I already posted pictures of my colorful dressed tiny bunny here! I don't have pictures of the scarf or hat, and I don't have good pictures of the green dressed bunny. But here are some I do have!
Here is the Steelers bunny, the tiny bunny and the green dressed bunny. This is pretty much the only picture I have of the green dressed bunny so far, because I forgot to take better pictures. Dropped the ball.. ANYWAYS!! lol
Here is a better picture of Steelers bunny. LOVE IT!! I made the bunny, then I knit the tank dress, hair-bow and little shoes. I love her, she's so cute!! The skirt and the bow are actually double strand knit with black and yellow to get that effect. I'm going to try it again when I get a chance!
And this is Bucky!! He is a Denver Broncos fan, obviously! I made him, and made his hair. I sewed the jeans, then knit the sweater and little shoes. Alan named him Bucky, I think he's super cute!!
I also made him a little hat!! He sits on Mom and Alan's couch, next to his Broncos pillow and his best girl, Irene. Irene is the cheerleader I made for Mom a while back. They're best friends! Ok, I'm off to clean house and work on a bunch of other little crafty projects I have in the works. Mostly the knitting I have to finish soon!