Wednesday, June 6, 2012

More Minion Hats!

 I had a giveaway on my crafty facebook page, and after that I had 5 more hats ordered! =] 

 I tried to make each one a little different, especially ones that were going to the same household. 

 Some people requested 2 eyes..

 And some wanted one!

 Pretty much everyone asked for pom-pom hair and a smiley face. 

 Everyone has gotten theirs already, and they love them! 

 Handmade with love! 

 And this one is for a newborn! =]

Plus, I made a Dallas Cowboys hat for a friend of my husbands.

I'm linked up at -

Shaken Together!


  1. SO stinkin' cute ... I LOVE the minions!! Thanks for sharing these adorable hats at the {what's shakin' link party}!!

    1. Thanks! I've tried linking up with your button, but for some reason photobucket won't let it work! So, I'm going to link up with your link. =]

  2. These hats are sooooo cute! We are so glad that you linked up to our "Strut Your Stuff Saturday". Please join us again!! -The Sisters

  3. Those are adorable ;) Stopping by from Strut Your Stuff
