Thursday, January 31, 2013

Week Five!!

I LOST FOUR POUNDS!! Woot woot! lol I'm super excited, if you couldn't tell. I really worked hard last week. I only took one day off from working out, and I started doing a full body cardio video that is 28 minutes long. I'm getting a full body work-out every day and last Friday I changed how I was eating. So I had 5 days of eating differently, combined with a better work-out = 4lb!!!!! On how I changed how I was eating - I decided that I needed to get and be hungry between meals and snacks. I hadn't been letting my body get hungry, using the excuse of "well, I'm under my calories!" for each day. That's over now. I eat breakfast, then I'm hungry before it's time for lunch. Between lunch and dinner, I eat one snack, and we're trying to eat dinner at least 2 hours before we go to bed. And I've been trying to get to bed a little earlier the nights before I go work at the daycare, so I'm not dragging the next morning. =] Slowly making changes, but they're working! 4 pounds!! So excited!! =]

Starting weight - 260.4
Week One weigh-in - 254.2
Week Two weigh-in - 253.4
Week Three weigh-in - 253.0
Week Four weigh-in - 251.6
Week Five weigh-in - 247.6
Difference - 4 lb.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Week 4

This past week was a little up and down, not going to lie. I had a bad last Monday that resulted in cookies and chocolate and some frustration. I woke up Tuesday morning after a lot of sleep, weighed myself and had lost .8lb. So I decided to change my weigh-in day to Tuesdays. I realized that this will also help me to blog on my actual weigh-in day, since I only work a few hours on Tuesdays. Funnily enough, this being my first actual Tuesday weigh-in day, I didn't get a lot of sleep last night! lol Brian had to close last night and then be at work at 8am this morning, so we're both running a little on empty. I also had a HORRIBLE migraine, starting on Thursday afternoon and not really leaving completely until Saturday afternoon-ish. I stayed in bed all of Thursday afternoon/night, didn't eat anything. It was awful. Then, Saturday was a holiday in our household. After a 4 month long lockout, this past Saturday was the first day of hockey season. I celebrated with a steak and 2 way too big brownies! I was pretty sure any weight I had lost from being sick I had to have gained back on our holiday. I was a little tentative to weigh myself Tuesday morning, but I lost! 1.4lb! Woot! It's not as much as I wanted to lose, but I'm still happy for a small weight than last week. I'm going to work hard and just eat less. I've decided that I shouldn't feel "full" so much during the day. I should start to get hungry between meals. And I usually don't. So I'm going to try and change that this week. I'm optimistic for the next weigh-in!

Starting weight - 260.4
Week One weigh-in - 254.2
Week Two weigh-in - 253.4
Week Three weigh-in - 253.0
Week Four weigh-in - 251.6
Difference - 1.4 lb.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Monkey Hats!!

A little boy that I watch all the time had a birthday right before Christmas. His room is decorated in a jungle/monkey theme, so I decided to make him a monkey hat!

So cute! He loved it! =]

He's such a silly boy! He wore it the whole time I was watching him on the day I gave it to him.

I also made a pink bow to clip to the monkey hat, pretty much just seeing how it would look as a girl monkey hat. I thought it looked pretty cute! It's the same hat, just with a bow. And I kept the bow, so if I decide to make another monkey hat, it won't be hard to make it a girl monkey! =]

Week 3 Weigh In (LATE)

Last week was rough. I weighed in last Monday, after feeling like I had busted my butt to work out, and I ended up having GAINED .4lb. I was really upset. My husband was very supportive, saying that he KNEW I had gained muscle during the week. Since the only exercise I had been doing was in the gym, either the stationary bike or the elliptical, plus just a little weight training with 3lb hand weights, I wasn't doing a lot of cardio. So Monday, I kinda crashed my diet with some cookies and chocolates. I went to bed and slept almost 10 hours (I'd worked all day too) and then woke up Tuesday morning with the intention to weigh myself again, and start fresh. I weighed and was only 253.0lb! I had actually LOST .8lb, even though I hadn't gone to the gym and eaten like CRAP on Monday. Then I realized, how much I sleep before I weigh really makes a difference on what my number is! Sunday nights, I rarely get to bed before 1am and then I wake up at 7am to go to work. So I'm usually weighing in on less than 6-7 hours of sleep. And my weigh numbers haven't been that great. So I've decided to change my weigh in day to Tuesdays. Monday nights, even if Brian closes, I just always seem to get more sleep. Even if I have to work my other job Tuesday morning, I still get more sleep. So I'm hoping that I'll see a bit better numbers with more sleep before I weigh in.
I also got out the tape measure and measured myself. That way, I can measure myself every so often and see results that aren't just weight based. Because I want to continue working with some free weights, building strength and tone and all that. So we'll see how my numbers look on Tuesday!

Starting weight - 260.4
Week One weigh-in - 254.2
Week Two weigh-in - 253.4
Week Three weigh-in - 253.0
Difference - .4 lb.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Week Two

Little bummed about how much I lost this week, but my hubby keeps reminding me about the week two curse. So I'm trying to just be happy that I lost! =] 

Starting weight - 260.4
Week One weigh-in - 254.2
Week Two weigh-in - 253.4
Difference - .8 lb.

I didn't got to the gym on Monday, but I went for at least 30 minutes every other day besides that, ending with an hour on Sunday. I feel good, I'm not dreading going to the gym anymore. I'm feeling a little blah this week about diet and exercise, but I'm still pushing to lose weight and get healthy! =]

Very tired, haven't been sleeping well and worked a long day, so I'll try to write a longer post another time. =]