Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Week Two

Little bummed about how much I lost this week, but my hubby keeps reminding me about the week two curse. So I'm trying to just be happy that I lost! =] 

Starting weight - 260.4
Week One weigh-in - 254.2
Week Two weigh-in - 253.4
Difference - .8 lb.

I didn't got to the gym on Monday, but I went for at least 30 minutes every other day besides that, ending with an hour on Sunday. I feel good, I'm not dreading going to the gym anymore. I'm feeling a little blah this week about diet and exercise, but I'm still pushing to lose weight and get healthy! =]

Very tired, haven't been sleeping well and worked a long day, so I'll try to write a longer post another time. =]

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