Thursday, February 28, 2013

Week Nine

One step forward, two steps back! I got sick. I caught a cold and just when I was starting to get better, I got the flu! It was awful. Plus, the only good about being sick is not being hungry and losing weight. Except this time!! I was sick ans starving the whole time! Plus, I didn't work out of much because I felt like death. So I gained 1.8 this past week. I'm slowly starting to feel better, so I'm worked out yesterday and again today, so hopefully it will be a much better number next week! Woot! =] Not letting a gain get me down!

Starting weight - 260.4
Week One weigh-in - 254.2
Week Two weigh-in - 253.4
Week Three weigh-in - 253.0
Week Four weigh-in - 251.6
Week Five weigh-in - 247.6
Week Six weigh-in - 250.0
Week Seven weigh-in - 249.8
Week Eight weigh-in - 244.6
Week Nine weigh-in - 246.4
Difference +1.8

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Week Eight!

I've been working hard this week and I've noticed a difference. What's even better, my husband has noticed a difference too!!  I haven't been hitting the gym, but I've made sure to just be active in other ways. From moving around more with the kids at work, going out to the tennis court with my dog and doing a little cardio, or taking a very long walk like yesterday. On Sunday, my hubby and I went to the tennis court with our dog. My husband puts on his hockey goalie gear and I have a tennis racket, I lob balls at him and he throws them back at me when he catches them. Our dog is our official ball boy and runs to catch the fly balls. A few weeks ago, when we started this, I could MAYBE do 20 minutes before I'd get winded and need a break or even need to stop. We were out there running around for a full hour and only came back in because both of our arms were getting sore. It was awesome! Then yesterday, it was so nice outside, I decided to take a walk with our dog. I'll admit, I went a little too far and should've started out smaller. We walked 3.6 miles and it took us about 70 minutes. It wasn't until about halfway back that my too big shoes gave me a blister. But this morning I don't even feel as sore as I thought I was going to, besides the blister. =] I feel great, I'm excited to be losing weight again! I also made a conscious effort to eat less. Less snacking, eating less for dinner has been a big deal too. And it's making a difference! I'm going to keep going this next week, we only have 3 weeks until we leave and although I'm not going to count on making my goal, I'm still going to work hard! =]

Starting weight - 260.4
Week One weigh-in - 254.2
Week Two weigh-in - 253.4
Week Three weigh-in - 253.0
Week Four weigh-in - 251.6
Week Five weigh-in - 247.6
Week Six weigh-in - 250.0
Week Seven weigh-in - 249.8
Week Eight weigh-in - 244.6
Difference -5.2

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Ladybug hat!!

I made this super cute ladybug a couple months ago, I love it!!

For this little monster!! 

The antenna bounce and flop when she runs around like a goober. Freaking adorable!! =]

Week Seven!

I've been sick. The boys I nanny for came home from vacation with colds that morphed into strep throat and ear infections along with coughs, runny noses and fevers. Well, I didn't get the ear infection.. But although I was sick, I was STARVING the whole time. Plus, I worked like nuts and didn't work out as much as I should have. I ate really well this week, I just didn't work out every day. I did lose this week! It was only .2lb, but it was still a lose!! I have made a new goal for vacation weight. I don't think it would be too healthy to try and lose 20lb in the next 4 weeks before we leave. So my new goal is to be under 240lb. So I was to lose 10lb in 4 weeks. More exercising and less eating. I'm going to work hard at it! =]

Starting weight - 260.4
Week One weigh-in - 254.2
Week Two weigh-in - 253.4
Week Three weigh-in - 253.0
Week Four weigh-in - 251.6
Week Five weigh-in - 247.6
Week Six weigh-in - 250.0
Week Seven weigh-in - 249.8
Difference -.2

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Week 6

No excuses, but I gained this week. I didn't work out 3 days, we ate at a burger place and we went to a superbowl party that was full of fried foods. I fell off the wagon this past week. But I'm not going to get caught up in feeling awful, I'm getting back to it right away! I don't think I'm going to hit my goal for vacation weight, since I would need to lose 20lb in 5 weeks. So I'm not going to have a "free day" until we're on vacation and I'm going to do some sort of work-out everyday until we leave. Even if it's just a long walk with the dog or hitting the gym, something every day to get my heart pumping. I'm not going to strain myself too far to get a lower weight, but I'm going to be working hard! Until next week! =]

Starting weight - 260.4
Week One weigh-in - 254.2
Week Two weigh-in - 253.4
Week Three weigh-in - 253.0
Week Four weigh-in - 251.6
Week Five weigh-in - 247.6
Week Six weigh-in - 250.0
Difference +2.4

Monday, February 4, 2013

Hello Kitty!

I made this hat for Christmas for a danged adorable little girl I know! She loves it! I don't know how to crochet, so when I saw on etsy a bunch of really cute character hats, I was like "I CAN FIGURE THAT OUT!" lol So I did! 

I started with a line of red, just for a little accent. Then I knit a normal hat like I've done before, in white. After I was finished, I knit little white triangles for ears and a red bow. The eyes and nose are felt I sewed onto the hat, and the whiskers are just bits of yarn I sewed through the hat from the back. =] I think it is so adorable! 

And my favorite little elementary girlie loves it too!