Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Week Seven!

I've been sick. The boys I nanny for came home from vacation with colds that morphed into strep throat and ear infections along with coughs, runny noses and fevers. Well, I didn't get the ear infection.. But although I was sick, I was STARVING the whole time. Plus, I worked like nuts and didn't work out as much as I should have. I ate really well this week, I just didn't work out every day. I did lose this week! It was only .2lb, but it was still a lose!! I have made a new goal for vacation weight. I don't think it would be too healthy to try and lose 20lb in the next 4 weeks before we leave. So my new goal is to be under 240lb. So I was to lose 10lb in 4 weeks. More exercising and less eating. I'm going to work hard at it! =]

Starting weight - 260.4
Week One weigh-in - 254.2
Week Two weigh-in - 253.4
Week Three weigh-in - 253.0
Week Four weigh-in - 251.6
Week Five weigh-in - 247.6
Week Six weigh-in - 250.0
Week Seven weigh-in - 249.8
Difference -.2

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