Saturday, March 19, 2011

Alms? Alms for the crafty?

This is what I have made the past few days! Just a simple, mostly circular, pillow. I'm slowly teaching myself to use my sewing machine, and so this pillow is a little wonky. Just like me!!
My mom gave me some extra fabric scraps that she had around the house, and this was a scrap on fabric that I threw into a pillow. I'm not sure what I'm going to do with it yet, so for now it's sitting on the ottoman by the window, collecting pet hair.. =]
Onto the next craft I have starting working on... The Pillowcase Sundress!!
I found a tutorial that shows you how to make a child's sundress out of a pillowcase, so I had to try it!! This is what I have so far. It's very simple! Here's the link - I have tweaked a few things, and I haven't been able to finish it yet. I want to go to the craft store and get some fabric dye, to dye this a bright pink or purple. I also need some ribbon for the straps, and then I'm going to make some fabric flowers for decorations on the dress. And since this one is probably going to be for my 7 year old niece, I might need to shorten it up a bit, so she can wear it over jeans, as this pillowcase fabric is SUPER cheap, so a little thin. After I finish this one, I plan on getting a bunch of color-coordinated pillowcases and making 3 matching little sundresses for my 3 nieces. I'm thinking pink and purple, but I'm not sure yet.
Here's the top of it. After I cut the top seam off and the arm parts, I sewed the elastic into the top seam and bunched it to make that effect. Hopefully, I will be able to make it to the craft store this week and get ribbon and dye. Then I will post more pictures!! I'm off to brainstorm on more ideas to work on in the meantime!

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