Thursday, March 10, 2011

Hello All!!

My name is Kayla, and I'm a crafter. I am in my early twenties, married to the love of my life, with one dog. I currently live in Albuquerque, New Mexico. For now, that is. Hopefully, we will be moving towards the end of May to Colorado Springs, Colorado. I have always been a crafty person, art was my favorite subject in school. I'm not the best artist, but I think that my pure love and joy of it definitely usually makes up for the lack of talent. I hope to post pictures and everything I'm working on as I travel through life and my crafting journey. We'll see how this goes! =]
I love crafting! I'm not the best at it yet, but I work on some sort of craft almost every day. Currently I am a knitter and hand-sewer. I also have started working on sanding and redoing some furniture. Hopefully soon, I will be able to learn to work my new sewing machine and branch out into painting as well. 
A little over a year ago, I taught myself to knit. I learned how to cast on and bind off, and with the one stitch I know, I took off. After a ton of scarves and a few baby blankets, I also started making hats. I just started trying to teach myself a very basic slipper pattern too. I plan on taking a knitting class this summer or fall, but for now, I like what I do.
I also sew things by hand. I started with fixing hems and holes in clothes, and this weekend I'm going to branch out into making some felt food and an apron for my awesome niece's birthday. I recently got a new sewing machine, and since I'm not quite too sure on how to work everything just yet, I've only played around with it so far. I made myself a very simple little bag, but that's all for now.
I also just took apart my dining room table, to sand down so I can paint it. This table is almost as old as I am, and so it's so worn in some parts, it's down to bare wood. It's taking me a fair bit of time, but once it's finished, I know it will look glorious! I plan on doing a Starry Night themed dining room, so black, blue and yellows are definitely colors I'm thinking about, paint-wise, for the table and chairs.
I really want to be able to make a bunch of different things. I'm excited to finish some projects I am currently working on, and then I'm going to bust out my sewing machine and figure out what everything is for. I have in my mind, being able to make clothes, blankets, bags, hats, toys, stuffed animals and a TON of other things. My husband and I joke all the time, that once I am as crafty as I see in my head, I will be a great asset in the Zombie Apocalypse. Why would you kill off the woman who makes all the things we need to use everyday? =]

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