Monday, March 28, 2011

Just a few small things..

The newest member of our family, Bazinga! I will have to get a good family picture of all of us, to post on here, but I don't have one yet. But our dog, Fezzik, wears a bandana all the time. He thinks of them as his clothes. So when Fezzik gets in trouble, we take away his bandana. And he gets very sad. So I took some of the fabric scraps that I had, and made a smaller version for Bazinga. So now he matches with his big brother! He really likes it, except for this picture. It was hard to take a good picture, so I finally nudged him in the side until he woke up and walked away. This is the look he gave me. So perfect!
Now, here are some cupcakes and phrases that I cut out of my other fabric scraps. Once I go buy fabric dye and dye the pillowcase sundress I made, I'm going to use these as decorations. I have a second pillowcase to turn into a smaller sundress to match the large one I'm making, but I have to wait until my niece comes over to measure her. But I think they are going to turn out super cute!
I also whipped these up while I was sitting and waiting to cut out the cupcakes. Really simple headbands. I made myself one a while ago, and I really like to wear it. The pink and green flower fits my head really well, but the colorful flower doesn't, so I think I'm going to be giving that one away.
So, I haven't posted in a while. Not for lack of ideas this time! My wonderful husband surprised me with a trip to Colorado Springs! Our anniversary was March 17th, and we went out to dinner. But we want to move up to the Colorado Springs area, so Brian came home last Tuesday, said that since he had a few days off work in a row, we should take a trip to CO Springs to look around and just get away. It was amazing. We stayed in a great hotel, and it was beautiful up there! We are definitely moving up there now! Towards the end of May. It's going to be GREAT!!
So there will be more crafting to come soon, I have to go buy fabric dye tomorrow after I watch my two younger nieces for a few hours. I can't wait! I haven't dyed any clothes yet, so I'm excited to try it!

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