Saturday, October 8, 2011

Second Paying Customer!!

A friend of mine is ordering fake felt food from me, for her son for Christmas!! I'm making my list of everything I will need at the craft store before I head that way today. My goal is to have everything ready to ship out December 1st. She's getting a good amount too! And I'm very proud to say that the felt food I made for my sudo-niece is VERY kiddo-proof. It's been chewed on, stepped on, gotten wet, thrown around, ad generally played with. It's been holding up great! Nothing has come un-sewn, glue has stayed glued, all that jazz! Once I start making things for this set, I will start taking pictures and posting them.
On another note, around this time of year here in Albuquerque we have the Balloon Fiesta. Hot air balloons from all around the world flock to town, for a week long type of fair. It's been a little windy the past few days, so they haven't had the mass takeoffs that they usually do. This morning they took off from Balloon Fiesta Park, and the wind carried then straight over our apartment complex. And they started to land all around us! So I took some pictures, and I will post them later. =]

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