Wednesday, October 5, 2011

First Paying Customer!! =]

I have my first paying customer!! My grandma asked me to knit a baby blanket for her to give as a gift. She told me to use yarn that I already had at the house, and I had a dark blue yarn that it machine washable and dryable. She didn't know the gender of the unborn baby, so I knit a good-sized blanket.
Here is the blue - for reference.
Then, I found out that the baby is a GIRL!! So I edged the entire blanket with white, to give it a girly feel.
With a girly/baby feel to the edges. I love it!! 
Then I made a cute little hat with some of the leftover yarn. 
I love this little hat too! (Please excuse the tattoo in the pic!) 
Needless to say, I have had my first paying customer! And the day I mailed this off, I got another order, NOT A FAMILY MEMBER - a friend of mine is ordering some felt food for her son for christmas. Super excited to make it for her!! =] Yay for customers!!

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