Friday, March 29, 2013

Starting over.. Again..

My hubby and I have decided that we're going to officially start on April 1st. It's this Monday, it's going to be our new day to start fresh. And since we're pretty darn positive that we're going to move Sept. 1st, that gives us exactly 5 months. To save money, lose weight, eat healthier, get fit, all that jazz. So, I'm still going to update on my weight from last Tuesday morning, but we're going to weigh-in Monday morning and go from there. And then I'll also update some goals and what I want to stay under for calories too. I'm excited to get started with my hunny! =]

Last Week's Weight- 253.0
This Week's Weight - 250.4

So last week I'd lost 2.6lb. WOOT! Lol We'll see with happens next week, starting over!

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