Friday, April 5, 2013

Starting Over!!

So we have started fresh! Losing weight, eating healthy, keeping track of our calories. New start!!

Restart weight - 252.2

My goal is to lose at LEAST one pound a week. I'd like to lose 17lb by my birthday. June 15th, I want to weight at or less than 230lb. And then I'd like to be at or less than 215 by the time we're supposed to move, Sept. 1st. I can do this!! I've also given up all sweets until I hit my first goal. And I can't go buy a tea (sonic tea is a weakness of mine!) until I'm at or under 240lb. I have to love 12 pounds before I can go buy an iced tea. And no sweets unless I hit my birthday goal! I can do this! It's going to be great! My husband is working with me too, he wants to lose a little weight, so we picked up tennis together. It's tough, but we're getting better already! =] WOOT!

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