Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Week Three Weigh In & Devils Food Peanut Butter Cookies

Not a good week.. lol This past week was not good for my diet or exercise. My hubby and I ate out more than we should've, and I didn't work out a single time. It was just an off week. So, needless to say, I gained weight. But I'm not beating myself up over it. This coming week, I'm just going to try and do better. It's Thanksgiving, so TRY is the right word at the moment. =]

Starting Weight - 255.8
Week One -       253.4
Week Two -       252.2
Week Three -     257.0
Gained -             4.8lb

That was my weight Monday morning when I woke up. I weighed myself again this morning, and was 256.0. So I think that part of my weight at the start of the week might've been water and being "that time of the month" almost. So, hopefully next week is a better week. I'm working on it! =] Now, on to the recipe of the week!

Chocolate Peanut Butter Cookies

1 Pkg. devil's food cake mix
1 cup peanut butter
1/3 cup water
2 eggs
1 cup peanut butter chips

DirectionsHeat oven to 350 degrees. Grease cookie sheets.
In a large bowl, combine cake mix, peanut butter, water and eggs. By hand, stir with spoon until dough is formed. Stir in chips.
Drop by rounded teaspoons 2 inches apart, on cookie sheets.
Bake at 350 degrees for 10 - 15 minutes or until set. Cool 1 minute; remove, place on cooling rack and cool completely.
Makes 4 dozen cookies

I found a sugar-free devil's food cake mix, it has less sugar, less carbs and less calories. =]
I used a No Stir, Natural Peanut Butter - I think the lack of oil made to cookies a little dry. So I would recommend using normal peanut butter or adding a little oil while you're combining ingredients.
I didn't use the peanut butter chips, as I forgot to buy them, but I didn't miss them either.

These cookies are good! A little dry, like I said, but even better the next day. =] I'll definitely be making them again, I'm even thinking about adding some peppermint oil or maybe some peppermint chips. Yumm!!

Monday, November 18, 2013

Baby Boy Knitted Set

I finished these a little while ago. I absolutely LOVE them, but since I don't have a newborn and don't have any little boy baby showers coming up, I figured I'd sell them! Hopefully, they can make a baby somewhere nice and warm!

I have a super soft and snuggly baby blanket. It's blue, safe for washing machine and dryer, and very thick!
For sale - $25 + $10 for shipping.

Then there is a matching set of hat, booties, & mittens to keep his little hands warm and prevent scratches to his face.
For sale - $15 + $5 for shipping.

Week Two Weigh In & Mini Pumpkin Cheesecakes

Hello everyone!! It's that time again, and I'm actually posting on the day I weighed in! I surprise myself sometimes.. Lol =)

So, this week was pretty good. I think I only worked out once (oops!) but I stuck to my diet really well. My hubby and I ate out Saturday, but I didn't go crazy with carbs. This coming week, I'm going to commit to working out at least 3 times. Either cardio or walking the dog, I'm not sure which. But I want to try harder with sticking to a workout plan! =)

Starting Weight - 255.8
Week One - 253.4
Week Two - 252.2
Lost - 1.2lb

Woohoo!! =) Lost weight during week two, and that's always been one of my most difficult weeks! And without working out, which is definitely new for me!! =) *happy dance* Now, on to my recipe for this week!

Mini Pumpkin Cheesecakes

1 cup cream cheese
5 large eggs
1 cup Splenda
2 cups 100% pure pumpkin
2 tsp ground cinnamon
1/4 tsp ground ginger
1/4 tsp ground cloves
1/4 tsp ground nutmeg
1 tsp vanilla extract

1. Whip cream cheese with a hand mixer (30-45 seconds)
2. Whip eggs along with cream cheese
3. Add pumpkin after the eggs are properly mixed in
4. Add the spices, the Splenda, and the vanilla
5. Spray your mini muffin tins with nonstick spray and distribute batter evenly. I used tin foil cupcake liners instead, no problems with sticking!

Bake mini muffins in oven at 350 degrees for 20 minutes.
My batter made 21 mini cheesecakes.

These are so yummy!! =) I think they taste like tiny pumpkin pies without crust. I had one today with a little whipped cream on it, oh my goodness!! Next time I think I'm going to cut back on the Splenda a little, just to see. Besides that, these will definitely be made again!! =) Until next time!

Friday, November 15, 2013

Week One Weigh In & Low Calorie/Low Carb Peanut Butter Cookies

I lost weight! WOOT WOOT! =]

I didn't work out as much this past week as I said I was going to, and I don't really have any excuses for that. But as I was talking to my boss/friend, she told me not to worry about exercising like crazy. She said that I should focus on keeping with my diet, and then when I plateau one week, I can bump up my workouts. So I'm not too worried about it right now. =]

Starting Weight - 255.8
After Week One - 253.4
Lost - 2.4

WOOHOO!! I've stuck to my diet and staying under my carbs really well! It's not easy every day, but it's getting easier. I made lower calorie, low carb peanut butter cookies that were yummy!! I found the recipe on pinterest, and decided to give it a try!

1 cup peanut butter (lowest calorie, creamy or crunchy)
1 cup spenda

1 egg
1 teaspoon vanilla extract

Use a spoon to combine all ingredients. Roll dough into balls about the size of walnuts. (Cooking oil sprayed on your hands works to keep the dough from sticking.)
Bake at 350° for 10-12 minutes. Allow cookies to cool on baking tray a few minutes before you remove them. My dough made 12 cookies.
They are good still warm from the oven or the next day. I'm not sure about 2 days later, because these didn't make it that long!

Next I'm going to try and make low calorie, low carb mini pumpkin cheesecakes! If they are good, I'll post a picture and recipe for those next! =]

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Hello Everyone!

I know I haven't posted in AGES! Part of the reason is - we moved!! From Albuquerque, New Mexico to Hewitt, Texas. Now we are RIGHT outside of Waco, halfway between Dallas and Austin. It's a cute little town, and where we are is pretty small town. Just last week a nearby bank put up a sign that said "We are now open Saturdays! 9am-Noon!" It's great. But during our move, I spent 7 week down by the beach with my in-laws while my hubby was in Houston, training for his new job. And then I moved up here, and he spent another 3 weeks with training before he could finally be here too!
Now that we are both in our place, and we've both gotten settled with our new jobs, we are back on the diet and exercise wagon. I definitely fell off and gained weight during that 10 weeks. It wasn't a crazy amount at first, but I slowly gained back about 11lb before I weighed myself for a starting weight last week. I wasn't happy with that, but I know that it could've been much worse. =]
A little about my new job that leads me to my new diet. I interviewed on the phone with a great woman named Christie, she was looking for a back-up nanny for her 3 month old son, on the days that her nanny is sick or has a dr appointment. I was looking for a solid part-time job and had already applied at about 10 daycares in the area. I told her this, but we still had a phone interview and TOTALLY HIT IT OFF! It was like talking to a really good friend on the phone, so awesome. The very next morning, as I'm walking down the stairs to put on my shows and workout, she calls me and asks if I can come watch her little boy that day! It was supposed to be her nanny's first day of working, and she called Christie to tell her she'd be a few hours late! What?!? I said absolutely! I was there all day, and I completely loved it! The little boy is super sweet and happy, and she is just great! Talking to her was like we'd already been friends forever. Before I'd left that day, she offered me the full-time position!! I was really looking for full-time, but I couldn't pass it up! So, I now work for her full-time, but most days it's not even like a job. She works from home, so she tries to take her son while she's on her lunch break so I can eat lunch without having to worry about a crying baby. And we have become good friends! I absolutely love my job!
In my first week, she and I got to talking about weight and dieting. I told her my dieting and fertility problems, and she knew exactly what I was talking about because she had the same problems! She has PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome) and had such a hard time losing weight that she had gastric surgery and still has to diet and go to the gym to maintain her smaller size. She told me that with her PCOS, she had to do a low carb diet before she saw consistent results with dieting and going to the gym. I told her that I was willing to try that! So we are dieting together now! Both doing low carb, and I'm trying to workout when I can. This past week was my first week of low carb and working out. I didn't go crazy with the exercise because I didn't want to over do it, especially since I'm working full-time now. I'll weigh myself in the morning, hopefully I do well! =] This coming week, my goals are to work out 5 days for 30 minutes each time. At least 3 cardio workouts, and at least two 30 minutes walks with my dog. I'm actually going to show for 3 walks with Fezzik. I know he could use the workout just as much as me!
My husband and I have been trying to get pregnant for almost 4 years now, without any success. But I have only gone to see one doctor, and I had such a bad experience, I haven't been to the dr since then. My goal is to now be 50lb lighter before I go see a dr about not getting pregnant. If it doesn't happen before then!! =] Actually, right after I started low carb, Christie had a dream that I was pregnant with a little boy. 2 days later, one of my old bosses texted me to say that she had just had a dream that I was pregnant with twin girls. 3 days after that, my mom asked me if I was pregnant! So, since I'm about 95% positive that I'm not pregnant just yet, Brian and I took that to mean that we are on the right path. =] He's got his new job that he is awesome at and is really liking. I have a new job that I LOVE! We are both getting healthier, and we are in a new place. I'm going to lose weight and then see a doctor, going to finally seriously try for a baby!! =]
I'm going to try and get a post up once week after I weigh in. And maybe I could even post in between with some crafty projects! Since that is kinda the whole reason I started a blog in the first place! haha =] I do have a bunch of stuff that I have done, but most of them are gifts that I can't post just yet. I'm mailing 2 boxes tomorrow that have 3 projects in them, once I know they have been received, all post about them. I'm excited to share! I'm actually about to go set up my shows to record for the week, and I'll be getting back to knitting Christmas presents! Hopefully, I'll be posting again soon!! =]