Monday, January 6, 2014

Week One =]

Hello everyone!! The past 5 days were pretty great! I made a challenge for myself to NOT weigh myself every day, like I had been in the habit of doing. And I stuck to it!! =] I weighed myself Wednesday morning for my starting weight, and I weighed myself this morning for my weigh-in! I'm challenging myself to do that again this week. 
My diet was pretty spot on this week. I stuck to my calories and carbs, only went a little over my carbs once or twice but stayed under my calories every day. And I worked out in some for 4 out of the 5 days. I took Saturday off as my hubby's day off. We went and bought a treadmill, and with this cold snap, it's already been used every day we've owned it! I've also been doing strengthening exercises on the floor and with my exercise ball. Trying to lose the inches and the pounds! =]
Starting Weight - 261.8
Week One - 256.6
Lost - 5.2
Woot! Woot!! I'm super happy with that loss. =] I know that it's a week one weight and a normal person usually loses more the first week, but I'm working hard to get a good number for week two! I'm actually excited to stick to my diet and working out, so I can weigh-in next Monday too! =] YAY! I'm 5.2lb closer to my first goal weight, 11.6lb to go! And maybe more by my anniversary! Bring it on! =]
Goals for Me -
Anniversary weight - 03/17/2014 - 245.0
Birthday weight - 06/15/2014 - 220.0
Halloween weight - 10/31/2014 - 200.0
Goal weight - 12/15/2014 - 180.0

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