Saturday, January 18, 2014

Week Two

For some reason, I thought I had posted a blog this past Monday night. And obviously I didn't! =] So this is super late, since I'll be posting another one in about 3 days, but here we go! 
This past week was good! I was a little afraid of the "week two curse" that always seems to follow me around. And follow a lot of other people around! You do really well week one, and then not so well week two. But I actually did pretty well week two! I lost 4lb! WOOT WOOT! =]  I'm about 8lb from my first goal weight! *happy dance*
Starting Weight - 261.8
Week One - 256.6
Week Two - 252.6
Lost - 4
I know my next weigh-in is just a few days away, and I'm a little apprehensive about how much I've lost. This past week has been crazy, but no excuses! lol This weekend, and definitely next week I'm going to keep completely to my carbs and working out. Every week I'm getting a little better and a little stronger! =] 
Goals for Me -
Anniversary weight - 03/17/2014 - 245.0
Birthday weight - 06/15/2014 - 220.0
Halloween weight - 10/31/2014 - 200.0 
Goal weight - 12/15/2014 - 180.0

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