Tuesday, February 25, 2014


Watson!!! =) The newest member of our household! He is 3 months old, a basset hound and sharpei mix. We're pretty sure he's more basset than sharpei. But he's our little barshar!
Fezzik loves him! They like to wrestle around and Watson loves to chase Fezzik. Fez is still getting used to having a puppy in the house, bothering him. It's pretty funny. On Sunday, Fezzik took his toy over to the hubs, so he would throw it. Fez dropped it on the ground, but before hubby could pick it up, Watson grabbed it and ran away! So hubs says "Well, where is your toy?" Fez looked down and then had a moment of panic! You could see on his face the "what the hell??!!" It was so funny! Other than that, the boys have been getting along great!
And Watson is a good, little puppy for us! He knows he's supposed to go potty outside, although he does have accidents, it's expected. And there are far less accidents than I thought there would be at this point. He's a good boy! We are super happy with him. =)

Monday, February 24, 2014

Week Eight - Happy Surprise!

Good morning all! Happy Monday! Although I'd much rather be at home, still sleeping! But I've already been at work 1.5 hours this morning.
This past week wasn't awful, but it wasn't great either. I didn't log my food into myfitness, so I didn't count carbs or calories. And I worked out on the treadmill once. Fezzik and I didn't even go to the dog park yesterday like we have been, but there was a good reason for that one. =) I did try to be mindful of my portions, and only eat when I was hungry. But, I expected a gain this week.
Usually, I wake up Monday morning and check what last weeks weigh-in was, so I know if I've gained or lost as soon as my scale flashes the number at me. This morning, I completely forgot to check my previous number. So I weighed myself and thought I'd gained .2 lb.. I wasn't happy with the gain, but I had expected a larger one, so I wasn't too torn up about it. I got ready and started my day. Once I was at work, I had a baby sleeping on me, so I decided to log my weight and breakfast into myfitness. I know that in order to hit my goals, I need to stick with logging my food and exercising. So I logged in, and found out that instead of gaining .2 like I thought, I actually LOST a pound this past week. Woot! Happy surprise! That definitely made my morning brighter. Now, I still have 9lb to lose in the next 3 weeks in order to hit my anniversary weight goal, but I'm going to work hard to accomplish this! This week is all about getting back to it, logging food and exercising! =)
Also, I have 3 weeks left at my current job! My boss interviewed two ladies last week, and had one of them come do a working interview Saturday morning. I came over and met her (and her 5 month old daughter) during that, and I really liked her (them!). My boss offered her the job yesterday, and she accepted! She currently works at a daycare, so she's putting in her 2 weeks notice today. So she'll start March 10th, and I'll do half days that week, just so she isn't overwhelmed her first week. She's bringing her daughter to work with her, so we're going to work together with both of them that first week. And then my first day of finding a new job is my anniversary - March 17th! I think Brian is going to request that day off, so we'll spend the day together, and then I'll kick off trying to find a part-time daycare job! =) I'm really excited!
During nap today, I'll try to write another post to introduce the newest member of our family. (hint - think little barker) =) Until next time!

Starting Weight - 261.8
Week One - 256.6
Week Two - 252.6
Week Three - 254.2
Week Four - 253.8
Week Five - 253.6
Week Six - 251.2
Week Seven - 254.4
Week Eight - 253.4
Lost - 1


Goals for Me -
Anniversary weight -03/17/2014- 245.0
Birthday weight -06/15/2014- 220.0
Halloween weight -10/31/2014 -200.0
Goal weight -12/15/2014 -180.0

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Week Seven - Boo...

Not a good week. I had about 3 days of going crazy, eating whatever I want and all that. It was awesome! Until I weighed myself. I knew it wasn't going to be a great weigh-in, but still.. Boo.... But I'm back to it this week!! =]
After a long talk with my hubby, he and I decided that I can't work full-time anymore. So, I gave my notice at my nanny job, and I'll be looking for a part-time job soon. I'm really excited! With something part-time, I'll be able to see my husband more! Right now, we barely see each other. We knew when we moved here that his hours were going to be all over the place. I was originally only looking for something 20-25 hours a week, but when I met my boss and her son, I thought that the opportunity was too good to pass up and took a 45 hour a week job. And now, it's just getting to be too much. The hours for me aren't a problem, until you combine it with the fact that my husband sometimes works the exact opposite shift from me. Meaning, some days, the only time we see each other is when I run up dinner to him at work. And that just isn't working for us. As we were talking, we also realized that I also don't ever have time to do anything! A normal day for me - get up, get ready, take care of our dog, make and eat breakfast, go to work (7am-4pm), go home, let dog out, make dinner, either take Brian dinner or eat together (depending on his schedule that day), have a little time together, go to bed. I don't have time to workout, craft, run our dog around, clean, or anything like that. So my weekends consist of cleaning the entire house, grocery shopping, taking our pup to the dog park, hanging out with my hubby for whatever time I can, running all my errands and then getting to relax if I have any time left. With working part-time, I'll be able to run errands during the week, see my husband more, workout, craft, clean house and everything else that gets pushed aside with my current hours. So, I put in my notice at work. I gave my boss 3 months of notice. They are supposed to be in their new house the first of May, and I told her I could give her two weeks in the new house to get settled and transition to someone new. She actually has two interviews coming up, one this afternoon and one Saturday morning. I'm hoping they go well, I have a good feeling about the girl coming on Saturday morning! =] Both ladies would have to give 2 weeks notice at their current jobs if they're hired here, but even with that, I might be able to switch to part-time sooner than May 16th! And I would love to have that time with my hubby soon. =]

Besides that, nothing else is really new with me. I was able to get some treadmill time in, although not as much as I would like, I am working on it! This coming week is going to be better than last week! I only have a month left to hit my goal weight for my anniversary, I need to get cracking! =]

Starting Weight - 261.8
Week One - 256.6
Week Two - 252.6
Week Three - 254.2
Week Four - 253.8
Week Five - 253.6
Week Six - 251.2
Week Seven - 254.4
GAINED -  3.2

Like I said, boo...  25 days and 10lb.. YIKES!!

Goals for Me -
Anniversary weight -03/17/2014- 245.0
Birthday weight -06/15/2014- 220.0
Halloween weight -10/31/2014 -200.0
Goal weight -12/15/2014 -180.0

Monday, February 10, 2014

Week Six - Good Week!

I did pretty great this week! It was a weird week, I only had to work one day. I worked on Monday, and then my boss had to do some traveling for work, so baby's grandma came and watched him for the rest of the week. My plan was to spends time with my husband, organize parts of the house, clean, and workout during my time off. I got about 2.5 of those 4 things. I was able to clean and organize. My closet doesn't look like a craft bomb went off in it anymore! =) And our files of important documents got a much needed clean out. My hubby ended up not getting either of his two days off that entire time, but we were able to spend more time together this past week than any other week since we've been here in Waco. I consider that the half on my accomplish lost. I didn't work out though.. I just didn't, no excuse.
On Saturday, my boss asked if I wanted to go to the park with her and Baby Chunk. I went over and probably walked a little over a mile that day. And yesterday, I took Fezzik to the dog park for the first time! It's a good place for both of us to get a workout! Fezzik was very overwhelmed with all the dogs and smells. And I walked pretty much nonstop for an hour. I wasn't walking very fast, but it was exercise! I was able to stick to my diet the whole week, although I completely spaced on logging into myfitnesspal. But I focused on eating less and sticking to healthier options.
I did make the decision to go ahead and take the carb hit so I can eat apples. I love apples! Before I started doing low carb, I was almost eating an apple a day. And I missed that! So I'm just taking that hit and going back to eating apples. Yum!
So this week, my hubby is going to be working graveyard shifts. 10pm-8am. I work 7am-4pm. meaning, when I get off work and go home, he will most likely still be asleep. So I plan on walking on the treadmill for 30 minutes every day this week. Also sticking to my low carb, I want to see more progress this week. I can't keep relying on low carb to give me a loss. I have about a month to lose that last 6.5lb before my anniversary and first goal. =) I can do it! I will do it!

Starting Weight - 261.8
Week One - 256.6
Week Two - 252.6
Week Three - 254.2
Week Four - 253.8
Week Five - 253.6
Week Six - 251.2
Lost - 2.4

Woot woot!

Goals for Me -
Anniversary weight -03/17/2014- 245.0
Birthday weight -06/15/2014- 220.0
Halloween weight -10/31/2014 -200.0
Goal weight -12/15/2014 -180.0

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Week Five - A Loss Is A Loss

I had a cheat day this past Saturday, the hubs and I both. He has decided that he's going to run the Capitol 10k in Austin this year, something he has already wanted to do. So he's going to stop drinking until after the 10k. That's in April, so we're not going to have another cheat day until after his race. We're both pretty excited! It's 2 months away and my hubs wants to love about 17lb before he runs his race. And my anniversary goal is weight is coming up right before then too! I have 6 weeks and 10lb. I'm going to do it! I have this week off work, so I'm organizing our house and life! Focusing on my dieting and working out, while also organizing and cleaning! 
Starting Weight - 261.8
Week One - 256.6
Week Two - 252.6 
Week Three - 254.2
Week Four - 253.8 
Week Five - 253.6
Lost - .2

Better next week!

Goals for Me -
Anniversary weight - 03/17/2014 - 245.0
Birthday weight - 06/15/2014 - 220.0
Halloween weight - 10/31/2014 - 200.0 
Goal weight - 12/15/2014 - 180.0