Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Week Five - A Loss Is A Loss

I had a cheat day this past Saturday, the hubs and I both. He has decided that he's going to run the Capitol 10k in Austin this year, something he has already wanted to do. So he's going to stop drinking until after the 10k. That's in April, so we're not going to have another cheat day until after his race. We're both pretty excited! It's 2 months away and my hubs wants to love about 17lb before he runs his race. And my anniversary goal is weight is coming up right before then too! I have 6 weeks and 10lb. I'm going to do it! I have this week off work, so I'm organizing our house and life! Focusing on my dieting and working out, while also organizing and cleaning! 
Starting Weight - 261.8
Week One - 256.6
Week Two - 252.6 
Week Three - 254.2
Week Four - 253.8 
Week Five - 253.6
Lost - .2

Better next week!

Goals for Me -
Anniversary weight - 03/17/2014 - 245.0
Birthday weight - 06/15/2014 - 220.0
Halloween weight - 10/31/2014 - 200.0 
Goal weight - 12/15/2014 - 180.0

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