Monday, February 10, 2014

Week Six - Good Week!

I did pretty great this week! It was a weird week, I only had to work one day. I worked on Monday, and then my boss had to do some traveling for work, so baby's grandma came and watched him for the rest of the week. My plan was to spends time with my husband, organize parts of the house, clean, and workout during my time off. I got about 2.5 of those 4 things. I was able to clean and organize. My closet doesn't look like a craft bomb went off in it anymore! =) And our files of important documents got a much needed clean out. My hubby ended up not getting either of his two days off that entire time, but we were able to spend more time together this past week than any other week since we've been here in Waco. I consider that the half on my accomplish lost. I didn't work out though.. I just didn't, no excuse.
On Saturday, my boss asked if I wanted to go to the park with her and Baby Chunk. I went over and probably walked a little over a mile that day. And yesterday, I took Fezzik to the dog park for the first time! It's a good place for both of us to get a workout! Fezzik was very overwhelmed with all the dogs and smells. And I walked pretty much nonstop for an hour. I wasn't walking very fast, but it was exercise! I was able to stick to my diet the whole week, although I completely spaced on logging into myfitnesspal. But I focused on eating less and sticking to healthier options.
I did make the decision to go ahead and take the carb hit so I can eat apples. I love apples! Before I started doing low carb, I was almost eating an apple a day. And I missed that! So I'm just taking that hit and going back to eating apples. Yum!
So this week, my hubby is going to be working graveyard shifts. 10pm-8am. I work 7am-4pm. meaning, when I get off work and go home, he will most likely still be asleep. So I plan on walking on the treadmill for 30 minutes every day this week. Also sticking to my low carb, I want to see more progress this week. I can't keep relying on low carb to give me a loss. I have about a month to lose that last 6.5lb before my anniversary and first goal. =) I can do it! I will do it!

Starting Weight - 261.8
Week One - 256.6
Week Two - 252.6
Week Three - 254.2
Week Four - 253.8
Week Five - 253.6
Week Six - 251.2
Lost - 2.4

Woot woot!

Goals for Me -
Anniversary weight -03/17/2014- 245.0
Birthday weight -06/15/2014- 220.0
Halloween weight -10/31/2014 -200.0
Goal weight -12/15/2014 -180.0

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