Friday, May 27, 2011

Awesome Gifts!!

I just gave 2 awesome gifts, so I can FINALLY post pictures of what I made!! I'm super happy with them both. They are handmade/hand-sewn, each about 15 inches tall. The hair/faces are yarn, the clothes are knit and the body is hand-sewn together.
This one is for my mother-in-law. It's a Pittsburgh Steelers cheerleader. Her favorite football team is the Steelers, so I made this doll for her!! We just gave it to her on Tuesday when we got to see her for dinner, it was so exciting!!
This one I made as an engagement/future wedding gift for a friend of mine and his fiance, Chris and Kaylee. It's inspired by a character from Legend of Zelda, Link, I'm pretty proud of him!! And I already have a few people who want to order one too!!

And here are the both of them! I will definitely be making more of these! And hopefully I will be able to branch out and make some different ones too. =]

Sunday, May 22, 2011


So, I have been working on a few projects lately. 2 of them I can't post here yet, because they are gifts that haven't been given yet. But the third one, the one I just finished yesterday, wasn't so much an actual gift (although I did give it to a friend on mine), it was more of an experiment. So I'm posting it on here!
It's a mini Link. Link, for those who don't know, is a character from Legend of Zelda. Apparently, he's a big deal. I made 2 friends of mine their own life-size versions of the hat Link wears. That got me to thinking, I should make a Link doll. I made this little one, and then knit the clothes for him. His hair and face are all yarn, his clothes, boots and hat are all knit too. His body is just an old sheet that I hand-sewed together. I think he turned out super cute!!

Here's just the back of him. Again, I knit the clothes and sewed the body. Sorry about the fuzzy pictures. And then here is a picture with my hand in it, just to get a general idea of how small the Link guy is.
He's pretty small! Excuse my big hand! But I love this little guy! I gave him to my friend Traci, who really likes Legend of Zelda. She LOVES him!! Hopefully, when I work out some kinks, I will make some more of these little peeps. And as soon as I give the other 2 gifts I have already finished, I will post those too. =]

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Engagement Present!

I am making the most awesome engagement/future wedding present for a friend on mine in Austin, Texas. It's so great!! I am almost finished with it, so I will be taking pictures of it soon to share the awesome! It's a little rag doll, that's made into the character Link, from Legend of Zelda. I have made the doll from an old sheet, much like the rabbit I made for my mom. I'm still working on the clothes and shoes, and then I will post pictures! I love it so far!! Love love love! =]

Friday, May 13, 2011


Sooooooooooooo.... I don't have crafter's block. I am just procrastinating. I have a few projects that I have that need to be done, but I have been putting them off and putting them off. Ugh! I need to get to it!! I finished a gift I had been working on, but I have another gift to make, maybe two or three.. I want to make another bunny, but out of pink fabric. I actually need to go to the craft store, probably tomorrow. I need to get a bunch of embroidery floss to sew together the things I'm making now. I should've done that today, but I completely forgot! I cleaned the house this morning, and then after lunch I took Fezzik to a friend's new house for a doggy play-date with her 2 dogs. They all had a BLAST!! We're going back over Sunday morning for breakfast and doggy play-date. I'm excited!! =] Tomorrow, I will be going to get the floss I need and I won't be procrastinating anymore!! Haha!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day!

I made a bunny!! This is for my mom, a mother's day/belated birthday present. It took me about 2 days to make, start to finish. It's about 15 inches tall and I LOVE IT!! I think she's super cute. I made the actual bunny out of some old sheet scraps I had in my craft bin, and then I knit the dress and bow. I will have to take better pictures once I have a charge on the digital camera. These pictures are from my cell, so not great quality. But she's so cute!!
I completely love the bunny!! And I stitched her by hand, so you can tell that she is homemade, but adorable anyways! I will definitely be making more of these little bunnies! I want to make a bunch of animals and buy some cute fabric to make some in different patterned fabrics. I'm excited!!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Hop To It!!

I know that Easter was a while ago, but I am crafting something for a gift that could fit into an Easter theme. I can't post pictures yet, since it's a gift. But I will be giving the gift tomorrow for Mother's Day/Belated Birthday, so I will take some pictures today and try to remember to post them tomorrow night. I'm almost completely finished with the other gift I'm making too, and I'm super happy with it! I have to wait a little longer to post pictures for that one, but it's so super cute, I will be sure to post pictures as soon as I can!
On a different note, I have officially worked my last shift at Chili's, and I'm so very relieved. Brian and I discussed it, and I'm not going to look for a new family for the summer. Instead, I'm going to stay home, do things around the house, and work on a lot of new crafting project ideas this summer!! Depending on where the summer leads, I might look for another family at the end of the summer, for the school year, but we will see what happens! I'm excited to be a housewife only again. I have a lot of projects I want to work on, hopefully it's a productive summer!! =]