Friday, May 13, 2011


Sooooooooooooo.... I don't have crafter's block. I am just procrastinating. I have a few projects that I have that need to be done, but I have been putting them off and putting them off. Ugh! I need to get to it!! I finished a gift I had been working on, but I have another gift to make, maybe two or three.. I want to make another bunny, but out of pink fabric. I actually need to go to the craft store, probably tomorrow. I need to get a bunch of embroidery floss to sew together the things I'm making now. I should've done that today, but I completely forgot! I cleaned the house this morning, and then after lunch I took Fezzik to a friend's new house for a doggy play-date with her 2 dogs. They all had a BLAST!! We're going back over Sunday morning for breakfast and doggy play-date. I'm excited!! =] Tomorrow, I will be going to get the floss I need and I won't be procrastinating anymore!! Haha!

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