Friday, May 27, 2011

Awesome Gifts!!

I just gave 2 awesome gifts, so I can FINALLY post pictures of what I made!! I'm super happy with them both. They are handmade/hand-sewn, each about 15 inches tall. The hair/faces are yarn, the clothes are knit and the body is hand-sewn together.
This one is for my mother-in-law. It's a Pittsburgh Steelers cheerleader. Her favorite football team is the Steelers, so I made this doll for her!! We just gave it to her on Tuesday when we got to see her for dinner, it was so exciting!!
This one I made as an engagement/future wedding gift for a friend of mine and his fiance, Chris and Kaylee. It's inspired by a character from Legend of Zelda, Link, I'm pretty proud of him!! And I already have a few people who want to order one too!!

And here are the both of them! I will definitely be making more of these! And hopefully I will be able to branch out and make some different ones too. =]

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