Saturday, May 7, 2011

Hop To It!!

I know that Easter was a while ago, but I am crafting something for a gift that could fit into an Easter theme. I can't post pictures yet, since it's a gift. But I will be giving the gift tomorrow for Mother's Day/Belated Birthday, so I will take some pictures today and try to remember to post them tomorrow night. I'm almost completely finished with the other gift I'm making too, and I'm super happy with it! I have to wait a little longer to post pictures for that one, but it's so super cute, I will be sure to post pictures as soon as I can!
On a different note, I have officially worked my last shift at Chili's, and I'm so very relieved. Brian and I discussed it, and I'm not going to look for a new family for the summer. Instead, I'm going to stay home, do things around the house, and work on a lot of new crafting project ideas this summer!! Depending on where the summer leads, I might look for another family at the end of the summer, for the school year, but we will see what happens! I'm excited to be a housewife only again. I have a lot of projects I want to work on, hopefully it's a productive summer!! =]

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