Sunday, August 14, 2011

Catch up!

Hello World!
An update on my life lately - I have finished all the gifts that I needed to finish before my hubby and I go on vacation!! I haven't given any of them yet, so I can't post pictures, but soon! Currently, I am working on a blanket for my grandma, for her to give as a baby gift. It's made out of a yarn that looks a little like blue jeans material. I'm thinking of adding pink or white accents, depending on if the baby is a girl or a boy.
I'm also making an awesome birthday present for a little girl I watch, she's going to be 8 next month. I'm going to make her a hooded bath towel in BRIGHT PINK (her favorite color), but I'm not going to work on that until we get back from vacation. But currently, I'm making her water-balloon flip-flops! I'm going to take some pictures in the next couple hours and make another post. I'm also going to make a separate post about the yummy Shepard's Pie that I made! It was so good!!
Anyways, I'm going to be working on this baby blanket and these flip-flops for the immediate future, probably until I get back from vacation, unless I bust them out too quickly and need another project! =] Maybe some duct tape flowers.. =]

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