Saturday, August 20, 2011

Water Balloon Flip-Flops!

I made these water balloon flip-flops for an awesome little girl, and I love them!! I'm going to make a pair for myself asap! Love them!! =] These were actually just a trial run because I couldn't find the colored flip-flops that I wanted to buy, but I still like them!
I bought a bunch of water balloons, they are only $1 per bag at walmart. Then I just tied them one by one onto the strap of the shoe.
Finished product!! I actually ran out of purple balloons, but I don't think you can really tell. I also left out all the red ones, I didn't think they matched with the pink ones.
They are just a little too small for me, otherwise I would keep them! Super cute! Love love love!! I will be making myself a pair just as fast as I can go buy a pair of well fitting flip-flops for myself! Now I'm on to making cookies from scratch and knitting a baby blanket for my grandmother to give as a gift. Toodles!

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