Monday, August 8, 2011


Woot! I have officially finished all the gifts that I needed to finish before going on vacation, and I'm 3 weeks ahead of schedule! I can't post any pictures yet, since they are all gifts I haven't given yet. But soon! I have a a long list of things I want to start working on next - but I really need to start working on projects that will get rid of some of this fabric I have in my stash! I'm not sure what I'm going to do. But I have working 40+ hours this week, so I might just wait and not work on anything this week. I know that I want to make a tutu, but that would require me going and buying supplies. And I need to get through all this fabric I have in my drawers. I'm thinking of making some stuffed animals, maybe a few over-sized dolls. I also have some extra felt that I might play around with. And a bunch of yarn to play with too!! But I haven't really decided what I want to work on next..
Also! Today I made homemade biscuits from scratch!! They came out delicious!! Super simple to make, really yummy! I made a batch for breakfast this morning, and they are GONE! So I'm going to make more to have with dinner (spaghetti) and I think I'm going to put a little parmesan in these ones. Should be yummy!
Well, I will probably not post again until after this week is over, since I will be so busy watching the girls all this week. On top of which, I have to go major grocery shopping tomorrow. I might just end up taking the girls with me. I'm not sure yet. Alright, I'm off to do the dishes and prep my biscuits so they are hot out of the oven when Brian gets home from work. =]

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