Monday, October 29, 2012

Week Seven!!

As you know if you've been reading these, I have been trying to lose weight every week. My first goal was to be at or under 250 pounds before going on vacation for Halloween. Today is my last weigh-in before we leave bright and early tomorrow morning. I was a little apprehensive getting on the scale this morning, because I know I didn't go to the gym that much this past week. Actually, I think I went once. My hubs and I are kinda already in vacation mode! But I hopped on the scale this morning and ..

I DID IT!!!!!!! =] My weight this morning is 248.8!! 

Woot woot! I'm so happy! Yay! Go me!! **happy dance** 

Starting weight  -
September 12th - 262lb.
Weight after week one -
September 19th - 255lb
Weight after week two -
September 26th - 253lb
Weight after week three -
October 3rd - 253.4lb
October 6th - 255lb
Weight after week four -
October 8th - 251.4
Weight after week five -
October 15th - 251.4
Weight after week six -
October 23rd - 250.8
Weight after week seven -
October 29th - 248.8

Lost 2 pounds this past week! Now I'm going to go on vacation a super duper happy camper! =] 

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Very cunning indeed..

This is my newest project I just finished! On the right is the hat, worn by the character Jayne Cobb in the tv show Firefly. My best friend asked me a little bit ago if I could possibly make the hat as close to the original as possible. Quite a feat, since only about 5 original pictures pop up if you google "jayne cobb hat firefly". And about half of those pictures are stills from the show! So after researching and reading up, I had to basically find colors of yarn that were the closest I could get. My colors are a bit brighter, but I feel like I made a hat super similar. I'm happy with it and excited to get it shipped off! I might even have enough to make a 2nd one.. =] Hopefully, whomever my bestie is giving the hat to for Christmas loves it too!

Week 6

I am still sick, but well enough to write a bit about this week's weight loss! I lost a little bit this past week, I'm excited about that! It's not as much as I was hoping for, but it was a loss. So yay! 

Starting weight  -
September 12th - 262lb.
Weight after week one -
September 19th - 255lb
Weight after week two -
September 26th - 253lb
Weight after week three -
October 3rd - 253.4lb
October 6th - 255lb
Weight after week four -
October 8th - 251.4
Weight after week five -
October 15th - 251.4
Weight after week six -
October 23rd - 250.8

So I only loss .6 pounds this week, but yay for seeing the scale go down! And this mean I have one week to lose at LEAST .8 pounds so I can hit my goal of weighing 250 or less by the time we go on vacation. Woot woot! I'm excited! 

Monday, October 22, 2012


Vegging out on the couch and not going a darn thing today! I'll post weight tomorrow, along with an awesome project I just finished. =] Until tomorrow!

Monday, October 15, 2012

Week Five

Weigh-in this morning. I was happy, but still a little disappointed this morning as I weighed the same as last week. Part of me is happy about this because I spent the last 2 days eating pumpkin zucchini chocolate chip bread that I made on Saturday. It was so good!! But I went to the gym for an hour AND took a 45 minute walk on Saturday, and took a 40 minute walk yesterday. So I plan on taking at least a 30 minute walk today, and I'm going to the gym tomorrow while my hubs is at work. Taking little steps! I only have 1.4 pounds to lose in 2 week in order to make my goal for weight loss before I go on vacation! I can do it!!!!!!! =]

Starting weight  -
September 12th - 262lb.
Weight after week one -
September 19th - 255lb
Weight after week two -
September 26th - 253lb
Weight after week three -
October 3rd - 253.4lb
October 6th - 255lb
Weight after week four -
October 8th - 251.4
Weight after week five -
October 15th - 251.4

I have 2 more weigh-ins before vacation, but my hubby and I still plan on going to the gym while we're on vacation, so I won't miss the weigh-in after we get back! =] More gym and less eating this week, I will lose this week! =] 

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Week Four

I was a little skeptical about changing my weigh in day, only giving myself about 2.5 days to show a loss this week, instead of the normal 7 days. But yesterday morning I woke up and instead of eating a huge breakfast first thing, I cleaned house a little and then went to the gym. So once I got home I ate about a 500 calorie breakfast. Since I know my stomache is shrinking too, I was full for a while after that. My two other meals kept me pretty full, so for once I didn't snack and still felt full when I went to bed last night. After the gym I REALLY cleaned house - laundry, dishes, sweep and vacuum. So I felt super productive and healthy yesterday. And it showed this morning!! =]

Starting weight  -
September 12th - 262lb.
Weight after week one -
September 19th - 255lb
Weight after week two -
September 26th - 253lb
Weight after week three -
October 3rd - 253.4lb
October 6th - 255lb
Weight after week four -
October 8th - 251.4

I lost 3.6 pounds!! Woot woot!! =] I'm pretty excited! Now it looks like my goal to be at or under 250 before we go on vacation is just that much closer! =] I'm going to keep going to the gym 3 days a week for now - Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday. And the other 4 days a week, I'm going to take my dog on at least 30 minute walks. Like today, I think we might walk over to the park across the street and give him a little run around. =] I'm back to being excited about losing weight! 

I thought I had posted this last Monday, but apparently my blogger decided to save it instead of publishing! Darn blogger! =] So late, but here it is! 

Monday, October 8, 2012

New Etsy Store!!

I did it! I made the leap and opened my own shop on etsy! I can be found HERE! I'm nervous and excited! I hope I can get some orders, and any feedback is greatly appreciated! =]

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Week Three

Sad this week! Gained weight, bummed. It's completely my fault. I didn't go to the gym again this week, I always found an excuse not to go. I worked like crazy and I'm working on orders, but I would honestly rather sit at home and craft instead of going to the gym. It's not even a hard choice. So I gained.. Boo!

Starting weight  -
September 12th - 262lb.
Weight after week one -
September 19th - 255lb
Weight after week two -
September 26th - 253lb
Weight after week three -
October 3rd - 253.4lb
October 6th - 255lb

I weighed myself Wednesday morning and had only gained .4lb but when I weighed myself today I weighed 255. So I'm going with what I saw today, to be completely honest with myself. Also, I will be changing my weigh in date to Mondays. So although I just weighed today, I'm also going to weigh on Monday the 8th and record that as week 4. And I'm heading to the gym bright and early in the morning, so I hope to see a little progress by Monday morning. As long as it doesn't show that I've gained!! I still want to be at or under 250 before we go on vacation, so I have 3.5 weeks to lose at least 5 pounds. I can do it!! I will do it!! I'm also going to commit to blogging about my weight ON THE DAY I weigh in. That should be a little easier as I work Monday afternoons, so I should be able to weigh and blog right away. Instead of weighing and rushing to work on Wednesday mornings. So, I'll be back to blog on Monday!! See you then!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

My newest creations...

Monster wreaths!! I had this idea a few weeks ago, when I realized that I had this yarn I received for free that I just couldn't knit with! It was way to thin and slippery on my knitting needles. So, I was like "wait a minute! Wouldn't this furry yarn be so cute for a monster wreath for Halloween??" and VOILA!! Monster wreath was born! I made mine just the other day (so quick and easy!) and then my mother-in-law asked for one the same day! So here are the two I have made!

 This green one is mine, so furry and soft!!

And then this one is for my mother-in-law. Her front door is green, so she asked for orange. Love it!! 

QUICK TUTORIAL - I bought a wreath form at hobby lobby and some furry yarn. (One skein was 130 yards and I have just a little bit leftover.) I tied the yarn to one side and then just started wrapping it until I couldn't see the white wreath form underneath anymore. Then I tied the yarn and cut the end. I cut the horns, teeth and eye parts out of felt, then I used craft glue to glue the felt to pieces of white cardstock, to keep it sturdy. After the glue dried, I cut around the felt and hot glued everything to the wreath. I used a bit of leftover yarn, braided and hot glued to the back, to hang it. VOILA!! A monster wreath!! =]

I WAS FEATURED AT Two Yellow Birds Decor & Rae Gun Ramblings!! 

I'm linking up!! =] Two Yellow BirdsRae Gun RamblingsFunky Polkadot GiraffeA Pretty Life In The SuburbsSix Sisters Stuff, The Gunny Sack, Or So She Says, One Creative MommyNavy Wife Peters =]