Monday, October 29, 2012

Week Seven!!

As you know if you've been reading these, I have been trying to lose weight every week. My first goal was to be at or under 250 pounds before going on vacation for Halloween. Today is my last weigh-in before we leave bright and early tomorrow morning. I was a little apprehensive getting on the scale this morning, because I know I didn't go to the gym that much this past week. Actually, I think I went once. My hubs and I are kinda already in vacation mode! But I hopped on the scale this morning and ..

I DID IT!!!!!!! =] My weight this morning is 248.8!! 

Woot woot! I'm so happy! Yay! Go me!! **happy dance** 

Starting weight  -
September 12th - 262lb.
Weight after week one -
September 19th - 255lb
Weight after week two -
September 26th - 253lb
Weight after week three -
October 3rd - 253.4lb
October 6th - 255lb
Weight after week four -
October 8th - 251.4
Weight after week five -
October 15th - 251.4
Weight after week six -
October 23rd - 250.8
Weight after week seven -
October 29th - 248.8

Lost 2 pounds this past week! Now I'm going to go on vacation a super duper happy camper! =] 

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