Saturday, October 6, 2012

Week Three

Sad this week! Gained weight, bummed. It's completely my fault. I didn't go to the gym again this week, I always found an excuse not to go. I worked like crazy and I'm working on orders, but I would honestly rather sit at home and craft instead of going to the gym. It's not even a hard choice. So I gained.. Boo!

Starting weight  -
September 12th - 262lb.
Weight after week one -
September 19th - 255lb
Weight after week two -
September 26th - 253lb
Weight after week three -
October 3rd - 253.4lb
October 6th - 255lb

I weighed myself Wednesday morning and had only gained .4lb but when I weighed myself today I weighed 255. So I'm going with what I saw today, to be completely honest with myself. Also, I will be changing my weigh in date to Mondays. So although I just weighed today, I'm also going to weigh on Monday the 8th and record that as week 4. And I'm heading to the gym bright and early in the morning, so I hope to see a little progress by Monday morning. As long as it doesn't show that I've gained!! I still want to be at or under 250 before we go on vacation, so I have 3.5 weeks to lose at least 5 pounds. I can do it!! I will do it!! I'm also going to commit to blogging about my weight ON THE DAY I weigh in. That should be a little easier as I work Monday afternoons, so I should be able to weigh and blog right away. Instead of weighing and rushing to work on Wednesday mornings. So, I'll be back to blog on Monday!! See you then!

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