Monday, October 15, 2012

Week Five

Weigh-in this morning. I was happy, but still a little disappointed this morning as I weighed the same as last week. Part of me is happy about this because I spent the last 2 days eating pumpkin zucchini chocolate chip bread that I made on Saturday. It was so good!! But I went to the gym for an hour AND took a 45 minute walk on Saturday, and took a 40 minute walk yesterday. So I plan on taking at least a 30 minute walk today, and I'm going to the gym tomorrow while my hubs is at work. Taking little steps! I only have 1.4 pounds to lose in 2 week in order to make my goal for weight loss before I go on vacation! I can do it!!!!!!! =]

Starting weight  -
September 12th - 262lb.
Weight after week one -
September 19th - 255lb
Weight after week two -
September 26th - 253lb
Weight after week three -
October 3rd - 253.4lb
October 6th - 255lb
Weight after week four -
October 8th - 251.4
Weight after week five -
October 15th - 251.4

I have 2 more weigh-ins before vacation, but my hubby and I still plan on going to the gym while we're on vacation, so I won't miss the weigh-in after we get back! =] More gym and less eating this week, I will lose this week! =] 

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