Wednesday, September 19, 2012

12 weeks?

I just read on another blog that it take "4 weeks for you to notice your body changing, 8 weeks for your friend to notice and 12 weeks for the world to notice." Since tomorrow is my weigh in day anyways, I think I'm going to commit to posting every Wednesday about my weight and dieting.
My hubs and I have already started and we really like it. It's online (and an app) where you can enter in how much you weigh now, how much you want to weigh, how much weight you want to lose each week and how much you'll be exercising a week, and the site will tell you how many calories you need to you need to eat a day to meet your goals. And you enter in all your food you eat each day, and it automatically tells you what your calorie count for the day is and how many you have left. Plus, you can enter in what type of exercise you did for how long and it calculates how many calories you burned, giving you more calories to eat for the day. Plus it's FREE!! We have been keeping track for about a week now, and my hubby and I have already lost some weight. It's exciting!! =]
So, my starting weight was 260lb. I'll weigh myself again in the morning and update here. I'm hoping to see a lost of at least a pound!! We are going on vacation the last week of October, ideally I would love to be 250 or less. It's a little over 5 weeks from now, so depending on what I weigh in the morning, it might be achievable!!
Anyways, I'll be back tomorrow and we'll see what I weigh! =]

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