Thursday, September 20, 2012

Week One

So I didn't get the chance to write about my weight yesterday. Brian had to leave for a day in Phoenix super early this morning, so after I worked 830-430 yesterday, I spent the rest of the day/evening hanging out with him for a night off.
But, back to weight!!
Starting weight  -
September 12th - 262lb.
Weight after week one -
September 19th - 255lb.

7 pounds!! Woot woot!! I'm super excited about this! =] I had only one "off" day with eating under my calories, but I've already noticed that my stomach has shrunk a little bit. I'm not eating as much and I feel like I can tell when I get full and stop eating. It's exciting!!
I'm going to go enter in my food for today that I've eaten so far, I'm excited about weighing in weight two!!

My next goal is to weigh 250 or less by the time we go on vacation. At first I'd thought that might be a little too hard, but after losing 7 pounds this past week, I'm confidant that I'll be able to make it!! We leave on October 30th, which is almost 6 full weeks from now. I can do it!! Less than 250 - here I come! =]

**I had to do a little update, because I went to to update my weight and I weighed 262 last Wednesday morning, not 260 like I had thought. So I had been thinking I'd lost 5 pounds when I actually lost 7!! Woooooooohhooooooo!!!! =]

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