Monday, September 10, 2012

Mike Wazowski!

My newest creation! I really like it! I was requested to make a minion hat by a coworker of my husbands. As soon as I had finished that one, he loved it so much he asked if I could make a hat of "that green guy from that monster movie." Thus, MIKE WAZOWSKI hat was born!! I think he is super cute, I might have to make one for myself. He's green yarn, felt and horns and a sewn on yarn mouth. I already have so many ideas for more hats! =]

 - I linked up at -



  1. This is so cute!! I love it! Thanks so much for commenting on my blog so I could find yours! Now a follower.


    1. Thank you! I doubled back to follow you too! The pictures of your little girl are ADORABLE! =]

  2. Oh I love it - from the picture it looks knitted, is it? Oh I love Monsters Inc. I'd love a pattern if you have one :) I'm stopping by from Gluesticks

    1. Thank you!! =] It is knitted! I don't have a pattern, I taught myself to knit so I pretty much just make it up as I go along, but I could just tell you what I did if you like? I'm actually about to make another one, so I can write down the steps as I knit along and then email it to you. =]

    2. Hello again! I just wanted to let you know, I'm making another monster hat and writing down each step so I can post a pattern soon. It might take another week or two to finish and type up, but it's working! =]

  3. Looks awesome - You are really quite talented :)

    1. Thank you! I love to make up crafts and experiment with projects. =]

  4. Hi Kayla,
    I love it! Can you share your pattern with me? My sister is having a baby and I want to knit a Mike Wizowski hat to welcome her to this world.

    1. Hi! I don't really have a pattern for this hat as I made it up as I knit along, but I can figure one out for you if you like!
      Or, in an effort to shamelessly plug my own etsy store, I can make one for you if you'd like to order one from me? =]
      I can probably write out a basic pattern of instructions in the next few days, I'll comment again when I post it! =] Thanks for stopping by!

    2. Hello again! I just wanted to let you know, I'm making another monster hat and writing down each step so I can post a pattern soon. It might take another week or two to finish and type up, but it's working! =]
